A Summer Holiday


"Remember my grandfather - the one you met at that reunion last year?"

Tara nodded.

"He's died. Apparently, at least - he was seen going into the surf when a strong rip was running, and nobody's seen him since, for 2 months."

Tara looked sympathetic. "Sorry to hear that hon. You guys used to be pretty close, didn't you?"

Steve nodded. "The last few years we didn't see each other much, so I guess we drifted apart. Anyway, he obviously still liked me, because he's left me his house and all the contents."

Tara looked amazed. "Wow. It's on the beach somewhere isn't it?"

"Yep. Tell you what - why don't we go up there in a few days and scope out the place?"

"OK, that'll be fun - I could do with some time at the beach.".

Steve nodded, satisfied and changed the subject before Tara could remember what his grandfather talked about the only time she and he had met...

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