No powerplaying
No godmoding
None of that kind of stuff.
No graphics, porn, cussing, harassing,
hazing, being rude OOC...etc.
This game is meant for intermediate to advanced players.
However you might be let in if you're not.
Hey! There is no dresscode...lol.
This is just a game you guys. If you lose a battle, it's okay. It's not the end of the world...unless it's a battle to the death.
Typical stuff we all know!
Just use common sense!!!!
If you don't know about something ask me first! I won't kill you if you ask! I'll kill you if you don't ask and then do something stupid. Okay? Okay.
Humans are humans. Big whoop.
In this time period, before guns and such, men are in the primary position. Women are secondary. Women are in the army/mages but the men still get more respect. And boys, if you are a guy then act like one. He's really not gonna be all smoochy unless he wants something from the girl.
Since this is humans, expect prostitutes to come around. I mean not prostitiues per say but this place isn't perfect. It's not a fantasy world. Dragons are the exception.  Women are pressured to remain virgins. Men, however, are not. In fact, they are encouraged to have a few one night stands. *achem* All I'm saying is don't let this get too much like fantasy. This is humans after all! It's human nature to umm...yeah. If you are mature enough to handle this, though I doubt it will ever happen, then the game isn't for you.
Men: leather or cloth pants, sandles and or boots, cloth shirts. Some people are poor and don't have shoes or shirts. However let's pretend all men can afford pants.
Women: cloth dresses and sandles. Bonnets or cloth on your head. Whichever you prefer. Aprons....oh yes aprons. Perhaps you are rich:
Men: satin or silk pants. Boots. Satin or silk shirts and a fine cloth overcoat.
Women: silk dresses with intense color such as purple or red. Dress boots and tied up hair.
Finances are determined by fate when you enter the lands.
Children: same as their parents depending on gender.
Joining is the bonding of a human mind to that of a creatures mind.
You don't choose the creature.
It chooses you.
These creatures include:
JOIN. It is optional to everyone.
If you are a dragon and are NOT joining the army then you may choose your color according to your wishes.
Army colors are:
Gold - female, joined with a woman; able to hold up to master fort rider; largest female dragon; most dominant of all. Just because you have a gold doesn't mean you will become a master fort rider.
Black - male, joined with a man; able to hold up to master fort rider; largest male dragon;
Silver - female, joined with a woman; able to hold up to master fort rider; second largest female; mate only with permission.
Midnight Blue - male, joined with a man; able to hold up to master fort rider; second largest male; mate with permission.
Crimson Red - female, joined with a woman; able to hold up to Head Rider; mate only with permission.
Forest Green - male, joined with a man; able to hold up to Head Rider; mate only with permission.
Copper - female, joined with a woman; able to hold up to Shoulder Rider; mate only with permission.
Violet- male, joined with a man; able to hold up to Shoulder Rider; mate only with permission.
Torquoise- male, joined with a man; able to hold up to Quest Rider; mate only with Reds and below.
Sky Blue - female, joined with both; able to hold up to Quest Rider; unable to mate
Golds and blacks are rare and are the least in number. This is why silvers and midnights can head up forts too.
Sky Blue are most common! They are your typicals. Grunts. Privates.
If you
join you have made a commitment to the army. In return you get living quarters and free upkeep.
And extras, including:
Sword & Sheath
Long leather boots
Uniform, plus most extra clothing
Bow and quivels of arrows
Joining with a creature is a life commitment. You and your animal are linked telepathically forever.
Until one dies.
Yes, you can die.
Very few can speak to all creatures and the gift must be given by me, THE OWNER. E-mail me to ask.
The best time to
join is at Iyshan or hatching. Very rarely do adults bond. Teenagers are the only ones that can. Ages 12-21.
When you bond you will start as a trainee.
Then Junior Rider
Quest Rider
Shoulder Rider (officers)
Head Rider (commandos)
Master Rider (commander of the fleet basically.)
The rest of the animals are basically your army people. PFCs and such. THOUGH
they can hold the same positions as dragons in a fort specializing in their breed.
Oh yeah, no more than one
Iyshan at a time.
mages and mutants
You can't be a mage and a mutant.
You can't a mage and a rider.
You can't be a mutant and a rider.
Basically you are one or the other or the other unless permission is given otherwise.
Mages, witches, wizards, warlocks....etc.
You're not born with magic powers or mutant powers.
Magic powers are learned and mutant powers come with puberty.
You can't go out and dominate the world. You can try! But you'll fail.
Every mage/mutant is vulnerable. Like Superman to kryptonite.
There is a weakness! Somewhere! Sometimes it's just hard to find. :-P
Pets are okay but you're not
joined with them.
If you didn't know: X-Men and Mutant X are copyrighted!!!
Don't walk into the manor and tell me that your name is Scott Summers, Emma Frost or Jean Grey. It ain't gonna happen!
No more mutants animals! No mas. Nada. Nil! And none of this Gods and Goddesses stuff.
And don't be all "she knocked on the heavy wooden door and passed out on the porch"
Just 'cuz your a mutant doesn't mean you pass out everrytime you knock on a door.
And the whole ancient city/past/language doesn't go here either.
You CANNOT have more than two powers.
When you join the manor Briala will tell you if your power is taken and you'll have to change it to something else.
Don't pretend that normal people like you.
I'm sorry it just doesn't work that way. Man fears what it doesn't understand.
Oh God and please don't come to me as a seventy-five year old mutant. That's wrong....you  must be 10 and up to have mutant abilities.
Password: shadow789456123
That's all for mages and mutants. Have fun.....
Just to clear this up...
Toyna is the stuff that dragons protect the islands from.
It comes up from the ocean.
It can fly, swim, dig, crawl.
It's very acidic and would go right through cloth or thin leather.
Only dragon fire or gryphon ice can destroy it.
It's very deadly and eats everything in it's path like: wood, stone, Username: babf, flesh, food, and clothing.
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