The Commander        Silent Witness       Peak Practice     other
click on one of the above series to move the the Photobucket art pages. I normally forget to upload the pics in the right folder, so it might take a while before I upload new stuff. Enjoy the old stuff, though! x
I'm a huuuge fan of Amanda. I've been a fan for two years, I think. You won't find much information here, just links and some art... The art is all made by me, take what you want but give me credit if you put anything on your own website/myspace/livejournal and so on. Thanks..
Click to enlarge.
I also do requests. Would you like a banner, icon or wallpaper (desktop) with your fav Amanda pictures? Just email me the pics and the size you want your banner, icon or wallpaper in. The icons here are 100x100 pix, I usually do wallpapers in 1024x768 but all other sizes are also possible.. Just email me here.
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