Duncan U. Fletcher Robotics Club
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The Fletcher Robotics Club is an organization dedicated to teaching youths about technology. Members build robots out of Lego pieces and program them to run autonomously.

There are two teams at Fletcher: Teams 1 and 2. Okay, so we're creative at building and programming, not naming.

The web site is still in its infancy. It's constantly changing, though, and we are always adding new stuff. Keep checking back with us and watch our site grow!
Team 1: One big, happy family
Check Out Our Pictures!
Botball 2002 Robots!
View The Guestbook!
Sign The Guestbook!
There have been
Team 2: One slightly bigger, equally happy family
visitors to this site.
Contact Us
Note to team members:
So far I only have pictures from the Botball tournament. If you have any good pictures of the robots during the development process or of any other robots you've been working on, e-mail them to me at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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