<BGSOUND SRC="bjorn_lynne-the_memory.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Black Paradise
      Our story begins with three people, Damirath, Flesmus and Eitak. Damirath is a dark wizard who was at the moment finishing off an ogre with his katana. It was a dark cave, filled with giant spiders and Flesmus peeks around the corner to see Damirath with a dead ogre. Then all of a sudden Eitak yells, "Evil people everywhere! Chicken!". Damirath shakes his head at Eitak and wonders why he is in such a strange group for this important mission. Flesmus walks over to Damirath and nods. "I know what you mean, this this little goodie gooodie brat..." Eitak turns and raises a brow, "You calling me a brat? If so, I'm not, but that chicken person is!", Eitak points. Damirath sighs and looks into the darkness of the cave. "This is supposedly the last standing place a mirror connected to Mary's world." Flesmus gasps and destroys the chicken with a shadow bolt. "Bloody Mary you mean?! I've only heard legends about her, she's powerful." Eitak puts away her stupidness and comes to her senses... "I... err, what did I do? Did I do something? I think I was possessed by George!" Eitak laughs. Damirath started down the dark cave. "Yes, she was powerful, but as much as we know, dead, or at least sealed. Yet this portal still exists, this is why we have came here." Flesmus walks toward the mirror and beckons the others over, as they enter the Mirror World.
Scene 1 - The Cave
        As the three wander through the mirror, it gets steadily darker and creepier. A river of blood lay frozen in front of them, like a marker of the past. "Such foul deeds have been done here." Eerily said Damirath. Even his hands seem to shiver at the sight of this place. Dark Fles walks through the river of blood and grins evilly. "This place... Seems like I've been here before." She turns around and senses a prescence of sorrow. "What's that?" Eitak turns to Fles and shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure what that is." Eitak slowly places her hand of the hilt of her sword. "Let's go look." They slowly walked through the darkness, coming to the field where Mary had been sealed. There, she lay on the wall of thorns where Leon had slain her. Her body hung there, half torn apart, only leaving half of her torso, arm and face, which was barely noticable as a face. Damirath looked closely as her eyes followed them around the room. She was, what was left of her anyways, alive. "This is Bloody Mary? This is most remarkable, but..." Just as Dark Flesmus walks closer to Mary, a figure of a girl appears before them. Looking at her, she looks as if she was undead. The girl frowns and points at Mary. "What the...?" Dark Flesmus remarks, looking at the strange girl...
         Eitak, sword in hand looks toward the undead girl and to a corner she had an eye on. "I will be right back." Eitak not waiting for answers, walked towards the darkened corner, as a figure slowly moves back as Eitak reaches out towards it with the tip of her sword. "Fles." Eitak calls, "I think I found someone." Thyey walked up to the girl, as Damirath glared at her. "Could this truly be who I think? The war inside them both must have finally ended. I see now why the mirror is still open." The girl looks up at Eitak, then turns to Flesmus. She looks hard into Dark Flesmus' eyes and frowns. "You're too late!" "Too late for what?" Eitak asks, sheathing her sword. Damirath grins and walks up to the little girl. A sword rips out from his hand as he turns and slashes at Flesmus. She jumped back, lightly getting cut on the chest. "She is mine." Said Damirath, with a low but joyful voice. "That was a mistake!" Flesmus charges shadow energy and gets ready to attack Damirath, but before she could do anything, the girl stands between them. "Please stop! My name is Velvalevia." Eitak looks over at Velvalevia and whispers to Fles. "Good or bad? Glad or sad? What do we do with her?" Eitak takes her sword from it's sheath and holds it ready. Damiratth puts his sword away also. "Damn, I should not have been so starty. You are useless to me little girl." Damirath stares up at Mary. "So the war inside you carries on after all."
       Flesmus starts to walk out into the bloody ruins and rolls her eyes. "War my ass, I'm out of this place." Placing her hands on her hips, she blushes and twists around, then portals back to Hell where her beloved Gakab awaits. The little girl cries and runs to Eitak and hugs her. "Uhh...", Eitak looks at the girl and to Damirath. "What am I suppose to do?" Eitak lightly pats the girl on the back. Damirath walks deeper into the doomed world. "Your future little girl is no concern of mine." He walks into the darkness, and out of sight. Velvalevia looks up at Eitak and touches her face. "You're so alive..." She then looks at Damirath in the distance and starts to run towards him. "Seems like someone has a crush." Eitak mutters, then turns around and notices she is alone. Eitak thinks to herself...
            Damirath walks down aimlessly. "That little girl couldn't possibly hold the power to keep the mirror world open. Then what is it?" He notices the small girl running up to him. "Leave child before I slit your throught." Velvalevia frowns, then speaks sofetly. "I knew Mary, from the orphanage. We were sorta friends and..." She trails off and mumbles to herself. A small light glow forms around her as a tear goes down her face.
        Back where everyone was, Eitak summons Dream the Unicorn and mounts her. "Guess we can go home." Eitak looks around before parting.
       Damirath turns to the mumbling girl. "Maybe she can help a little before I kill her. Tell me little one, in the orphanage, was there a girl named Maria there? What was she to Mary?" Wonders to himself... "I wonder how my experiment truly happened?" Velvalevia screams and shields herself. "Behind you!" The girl screamed again and started to back away.
     Up in the sky, Eitak flies with Dream. "Halt dream!" Dream slows down and stops, as Eitak looks down. "It's Thunder!" Dream turns toward the ground and starts to fly towards Thunder, the black leopard.
         Damirath turns to see a figure coming from the darkness. "Child, do you know what that is?" A strange hellish demon charges towards them, with an orange, skeletal like shape, horns and spikes on its shoulders. "I know healing magic, and yes I saw Maria too, but now is not the time! If you help me..." Velvalevia shields Damirath and signals with a boney finger to attack the demon with a frightened look on her face. Damirath grins, and raises his hand to the demon. "Little girl, don't tempt me, tell me what I want to know." Damirath pulls his boney fingers together and the demon falls to his knees and dies. With a scream of fear and horror, unlike any living soul should hear. Velvalevia falls to her knees and cries. "Maria was my best friend and she was Mary's sister. Marie created Maria, thinking she would be stronger than Mary... But Maria wasn't anything like her, she was pure and good." She looks back at where Mary is and frowns...
    Damirath stared into the darkness ahead and noticed someone else come towards them... The figure was moving fast, and as it approached them, the little girl, Velvalevia goes flying backwards, killing her instantly! "What the Hell?" Damirath readies his sword, but was not ready for what was about to happen. It was Dark Flesmus, and she looked pissed. her dark wings grew in size, as she floated above Damirath with the most evil, sickening look on her face. "You think you can destroy me Flesmus?!" Dark Fles grinned very evilly and raised a hand above her head, casting down bolts are shadow rain and darkness... This darkness was so overwhelming, that Damirath could not see Flesmus anymore. All Damirath could hear was her voice through the dark fog. "You think a pathetic demon like you can stop me Damirath?! You're just a dark fool who is searching for nothing but answers, lies and fighting. You haven't been through anything that I have Damirath! You can't handle darkness like this, you can't! have you seen the real Hell that awaits you?! It's nothing like you've seen before!! Nothing can stop it's wake of pain, fear and hate!! You need fear, and pain to have hatred, and darkenss, but you don't! If you're not afraid of anything, then you can't have that darkness, Damirath! If you don't feel the emotional pain that things cause you, then you can't have darkness Damirath! I know you want this darkness Damirath, but you can't handle it, not like I have! I can control all shadows, all darkness around you! I've been watching you Damirath... If you think you have the fear, and pain that I have, then you're wrong. Nobody understands this true power, but me! This darkness took over my light and it will never come back! You don't even know how to feel, can you Damirath, can you?!" Dark Fles appears in front of him through the dark fog, as she strikes him down, pinning him to the ground with her dark sword. She frowns at Damirath as his vision grows weak and falls into death... Falling into the Dark Reaches of Hell...

Pain... Fear... Create Hate...

My pain of my broken heart... My fear of never finding love...
My hate towards everything and that nothing good will happen anymore!
Darkness is all around us now... Evil has won!
"Theme song" - Betrayal (Silent Hill 2)
Scene 2 - Mirror World
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