Adayn Moonfeather
Name: Adayn
Nickname: None
Surname: Moonfeather
Title: King of Faei
Age: 43
Birthdate: January 19
Hometown: Faei
Habitat: Forest
Guild: Warriors of Peacelight
Sign: Capricorn
Magical Sign: Mage
Element: Arcane & Light
Gemstone: Fluorite
Season: Winter
Planet: Saturn
Gender: Male
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Blonde
Height: 4' 16"
Weight: 108 lbs
Mother: Yukiyo
Father: Sennjo
Siblings: Flesmus & Raynbowe
Best Friend: Ruvarin
Spouse: Denena
Kids: Adeana
Pets: Gossamer the Fairy Cat
Race: High Fairy
Class: Advanced Enchanter Level 29
Weapon: Blue Staff of Enchanting
Weapon Type: Staff. Helps with magic spells, and not hard to handle.
Armor: Silk
Special Power: Chanting
Fight Type: I would use my abilities to fight and protect people, or to heal them. I'm the hero type.
Skills: Enchanting, Herbalism , Dancing
Magic Type: Alteration & Sorcery
Magic Component: Pages
Mana: Blue Island
Fairy: Gossamer Demonfly
Mythology: Angel. Kind, holy, and perfect.
Favorite Color: Blue & Purple
Favorite Food: Pop tarts
Hobbies: Sports & training elves and fairies to protect Faei.
Personality: Arrogant, confident, leader, superficial, intelligent, respectful.
Best Trait: I have many. Mostly, my sense of leadership and great intelligence.
Dream: To make Faei a peaceful place and not come to harm.
Music: Pop, techno, etc.
Theme Song: Clokz - Tibet
Enchanter Arcane Spells:
Arcane Chant
Summon Animation
Intellection Shield
Blue Fairy Aura
Chant Dance

Enchanting Dance of the Pixie
Enchanting Dance of the Pixie *Adayn goes into a sexy dance with blue rays and pixies surrounding him, showing off his blue fairy tattoo on him arm. The pixies protect everything around, causing the barrier around Faei to become more powerful. This dance is only used on Adayn's birthday to restore the magic barrier.*
Time of Day: The peak of the day. After mid-day, but before dusk. The most energetic time.
"They go to me as the shoulder to cry on, but other than that don't really "hang out." But that's ideal for me."
People tend to think that you're rather egotistical and arrogant, but these traits also come out in you to make you a very good leader. You're morally sound, and nothing can shake what you believe. People flock towards you when they look for direction, but don't tend to go to you if it's an emotional problem (Earth for that). You have a positive outlook on everything, when can lead to you having some major let-downs in life, but you always pull through your problems-- persevere no matter what!
Warriors of Peacelight
Ohtar en Oionarru
Game Characters:
Professeur X {X-Man Legends 2}
High Elf Enchanter {Everquest}
Games Completed:
King of Faei
Taur Ohtar
Val Istar
Fre Thinker
Emergency Medical Technician
General Practioner

Gossamer Jobs:
Snooper Deterrant
Cleaning: 5
Body: 6
Cooking: 3
Logic: 5
Mechanical: 7
Story: Adayn is the brother of the legendary Flesmus Moonfeather and also Raynbowe, he is the middle child. he grew up in Faei learning the magicks of an enchanter, using his powers to control his enemies. Adayn is more of a lover than a fighter, and he is also a very good dancer. Every year on his birthday, they would hold a great magical dance party for all fairies and pixies that lived in Faei, and also any visitors they have. Adayn was friends with Ruvarin, a half elf and he was in love with his younger sister, Denena. When Flesmus left Faei for her adventures, Adayn took the place as king, when Yukiyo and Sennjo were killed by an evil inside the village. So, he did so and he took his love Denena as his queen and they ruled Faei together and protecting the village while Flesmus was away. He had one child with Denena, Adeana, a beautiful girl.
       Adayn was sent to a magical world by a mysterious force in the mind, where he found Raynbowe and many other friends. They were brought to this land, Solstheim, to find an evil, Fablaan Shadowspell. Which was later destroyed by the Sailor Vasies in the world of Norrath. This was the world of arcane magic, where all magical beings and magic was born. So Adayn and Raynbowe stopped the evil Fablaan from taking too much magic and banished him back to Norrath.
      When Adayn came back to Faei, it was under attack by none other then Dark Flesmus. He risked his life to save Denena, his true love and was killed by Dark Flesy! He lay there in Dena's lap and spoke one final word to her before his death... "Take care of Faei and Adeana my love..."
Mage Spells:
Blast of Fire
Ice Barrier
Lighting Shock
Arcane Meteor

Blazing Quake
Magician's Fury (x2 Raynbowe)
Blazing Quake:
Adayn channels fire magic into his staff, then stabs his staff into the ground, causing a quake and volcanic fires to blaze up out of the earth.

Magician's Fury:
Teamed with Raynbowe the apprentice, together they cause a wave of fire and ice magic on their enemies!
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