This page is just starting, soon it will be filled with information and pictures, hopefully.

Right now, you can visit the Official POTOMACON website hosted by the University of Maryland.

Resolutions from NATCON '02:

1)  Next year's National Conclave will be in Houston, TX, hosted by Texas A&M University.  It is to be called NASACON 2003. 

2) The new National Headquarters is the Col. Gallileo Bossio Squadron of Washington State University, Det. 905

3) The new Area VII Headquarters is O'Neil Squadron of Iowa State University, Det. 250.

4) Area VII ARCON '02 will be hosted by the Jake Schaefer Squadron of University of Illinois - Champaign, Det. 190.

5) The word "pledge" has not been in the AAS-MAN since 1993, so we are to stop using it.  They are candidates, the other word is derogatory, they are our equals. 

**To view the Memorandum for Record published by the PAO, click here.  This is a Word™ document.

Pictures from NATCON '02

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