Steph's 18th birthday was the way every 18th birthday ought to be. As u scroll downwards u will go through the 'before' and 'after' stage. As in before we got our hands on a bottle of Baileys, a bottle of XO, a bottle of Absolute Vodka and a bottle of Martell Cordon Bleu. hehe That's where the fun begins. Mouseover for description and click to enlarge.

Chris aceing the pool table and Mambo [bktm plaza]
Dennis showing us the moves
James doing his thang
Lakesh going for 8
Steph looking very pro. Looking, i say. =P
Dennis doing the 'eyeball'
Do I look happy to you?
This is one of those 'before' pictures. By 'before' i mean 'before' we got 'wasted'.
Mei's lousy immitation of the 'eyeball' turned out to be quite a good immitation of 'The Eye'
This is Jamie. Jamie, this is. Oh and 2 other weirdos posing with her.
See. This is my little brother, Kenneth. This is when he was normal.
This is kenneth when he has an outbreak of 'armpit fetish'.
This is kenneth when u compliment him.
This is kenneth trying to regain his cuteness. He's just too cute. har har
Now this is James. Tattoo-clad James. This is James when he needs money.
This is James when he can't get it.
This is Tim, Shane and Keith [starting from the skinny spectacle-clad guy on your left. Steph's welcome party.
This is how Lak and Steph look sober.
Now this is innocent, responsible drinking..
And this is three hundred and sixty dollars worth of hard liqour.
This is what not-so-innocent, not-so-responsible people do with $360 worth of hard liqour.
This is how drunk people smile.
And once again.
Notice the red faces
Not quite there yet.
Both gone
Looking cool with a vancant stare.
Alcohol abuse + cigars
Huge smiles
Male bonding. *ahem* male-over-bonding.
Din, Les, Chris and Steph. The day after.
Steph and her good friend, Dennis. a.k.a Woopade.
Kingdom Di's, Kindom Ace, her other good friend and his cacat smile.
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