Starfleet - Gamma Quadrant

Table of Contents

Preamble Article 1 Article 2
Article 3 Article 4 Article 5
Article 6 Chain of Command Code of Conduct
Starfleet Officer Ranks Starfleet Enlisted Ranks Marine Ranks
Awards & Medals Starfleet Promotion Guidelines Marine Promotion Guidelines

Preamble to the Starfleet Constitution

We, the members of STARFLEET, Gamma Quadrant Headquarters (hereafter known as "GQHQ"), in order to provide a social organization in which people of diverse backgrounds with similar interests can interact to promote the optimistic future as envisioned in the Star Trek universe and to support that optimistic future through interactive simulations (hereafter known as "SIMS"), do hereby establish this Constitution for the organization, GQHQ

GQHQ Constitution

Article 1 - Purpose

GQHQ is based upon "Starfleet" as depicted in the Star Trek television series, motion pictures, and literature. GQHQ operates within the Star Trek universe to enhance the experience and fun of membership.

Starfleet, in the Star Trek universe, is the exploratory and law enforcement branch of the United Federation of Planets. GQHQ organization is founded on the concept that Starfleet is principally an exploratory service and many of the underlying aspects of GQHQ depend heavily upon that concept. Therefore, our ongoing mission is to explore the Galaxy, specifically, our group is tasked with exploring the Gamma Quadrant.

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Article 2 - Membership

GQHQ believes in the value of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (IDIC). Therefore, membership in GQHQ is open to all. We will not refuse anyone because of race, sex, religion, creed, species and/or color. All prospective GQHQ members should notify any member of the Admiralty for details.

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Article 3 - Organizational Structure

The Admiralty

The Administrative body of GQHQ (hereafter known as "THE ADMIRALTY") shall be to oversee the operational activities of the organization as well as the process of formulating and crafting policies. The Admiralty also reviews and grants promotions to the ranks of Captain or higher.

The Admiralty consists of the following positions:

Fleet Captain Treki Commander-in-Chief
Commodore Kaaleb Atkins Chief of GQHQ Security
Commodore RW Thomas Starbase 225 Executive
Captain Mike Dragon Fleet Chief of Operations
Captain Taurik Anderson Judge Advocate General

Each member of the Admiralty (with the exception of the Commander-in-Chief) shall appoint at least one executive assistant, with the advice and consent of the remaining members of the Admiralty, to assist in the discharge of duties. The executive assistant shall assume the duties of office in an acting capacity in the event of the appointing member's death, incapacity, absence, or removal from office, until such time as a formal successor may be appointed in accordance with this Constitution by the Commander-in-Chief. Successors must be named within no less than 60 days from the effective date of the resignation of an office holder. If no formal successor is named within that time period, then the executive assistant who is serving on a temporary basis shall be automatically appointed to the position.

Judge Advocate General Corps

The Judge Advocate General Corps (Hereafter known as "JAG Corps" or "JAG") is the division of Starfleet that is tasked with investigating claims of criminal activity within Starfleet and prosecution of those charges that show sufficient evidence to warrant a trial. JAG also provides legal assistance and/or advice when needed.

The JAG Corps is commanded by the Judge Advocate General, who reports to the CnC. They are required to have a Deputy Judge Advocate General to assist them in the discharge of their duties, and a team of JAG Officers. JAG Corps represent Starfleet in both Official and Legal capacities, and are considered experts in the interpretation of the Constitution and the General Orders contained herein.

The JAG Corps consists of the following positions:

Captain Taurik Anderson Judge Advocate General
POSITION OPEN Deputy Judge Advocate General

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Article 4 - Officer's Duties and Responsibilities

Commanding Officers (CO)

COs in general command a single starship, base or outpost (hereafter called "SHIP") and are expected to set an example for their fellow crew members while also promoting the ideals of STARFLEET and Star Trek in general. They are expected to aid in fostering growth and harmony within their command while trying to keep discord at a minimum. CO's have promotion authorization to the ranks of Commander and below for those under their command.

Fleet Commanding Officers

In addition to the duties and responsibilities of a Commanding Officer, the Fleet Commanding Officers are responsible for acting as a communications and command liason between the CnC and the Fleets. They are to regularly brief the CnC of Fleet activities and assist in policy-making and other administrative functions as needed. Like the CnC, they also represent STARFLEET in an official capacity to other organizations and the general public. They are required to have a Fleet Executive Officer to assist them in the discharge of their duties.

Commander-in-Chief (CnC)

The CnC is responsible for the overall administration and supervision of STARFLEET, as well as representing Starfleet in an official capacity to other organizations and the general public. Like Commanding Officers, the CnC is expected to set an example for their fellow crew members while also promoting the ideals of STARFLEET and Star Trek in general. The CnC is also expected to aid in fostering growth and harmony within their command while trying to keep discord at a minimum. All representatives of STARFLEET holding office in any appointed or elected capacity are ultimately responsible to report to the CnC or his/her designee. Unless overturned by a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority vote of the Admiralty, decisions of the CnC regarding Fleet administration and operation are to be considered final.

Chain of Command

All Starfleet members are expected to respect the Chain of Command, found Here , which illustrates the flow of information between the CnC and the individual Starship CO's.

Starfleet Officers Code of Conduct

All Starfllet Officers, to include the Admiralty, are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct listed here below:

1. I will always behave in a manner that brings credit to the Fleet, my ship, and myself.
2. I will always praise in public and critique in private.
3. I will show courtesy to my subordinates, fellow officers, and superior officers at all times.
4. I will never assume, but always verify.
5. I will be resolute in the performance of my duty and the execution of Fleet policy and regulation.
6. I will always defuse confrontations, not cause them.
7. I will listen to both sides of a dispute and act upon fact, not innuendo.
8. I will strive for impartiality and fairness in judgment and disqualify myself from decisions where my judgment may be compromised.
9. I will be the first to praise and the last to criticize.
10. I will always strive to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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Article 5 - Ranks and Terms of Address

Starfleet employs a rank system to help better manage the flow of command. The officer ranks employed are listed Here and the enlisted ranks are Here. Promotion guidelines are listed Here. Awards and Decorations guidelines are listed Here.

On official Starfleet documents, the full rank title will be used. But in conversation, it becomes cumbersome to always refer to someone by their full rank title. Therefore an abbreviated Terms of Address is employed when conversing with someone of another rank as follows:


Official Rank Title What you would call them in conversation
Ensign Ensign
Lieutenant (jg) Lieutenant
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Lieutenant Commander Commander
Commander Commander
Captain Captain
Fleet Captain Captain
Commodore Commodore
Rear Admiral Admiral
Vice Admiral Admiral
Admiral Admiral
Fleet Admiral Admiral


Official Rank Title What you would call them in conversation
Crewman Recruit Crewman
Crewman Apprentice Crewman
Crewman Crewman
Petty Officer 3rd Class Petty Officer
Petty Officer 2nd Class Petty Officer
Petty Officer 1st Class Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer Chief
Senior Chief Petty Officer Chief
Master Chief Petty Officer Chief
Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet Chief

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Federation Defensive Task Force.

Continued on page 2.

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