Cute Quotes
One day I was sitting at a table drawing something for my class. Some of my children were sitting with me and watching. One little girl said, "Mrs. Lee you draw so good. When you grow up you should be an artist."
Sometimes my husband will come by my class for something. Sometimes a child will ask, "Is that your Daddy?"
Even in kindergarten and first grade, we have little romances going on. One time in my first grade class, we had two that got married on the playground. One child performed the ceremony and they even had bride's maids. One day the little boy needed to borrow crayons. Another little girl offered hers. His girlfriend came running around to his desk, snatched the crayons off his desk and said, "You'll use my crayons or I'll hit you."
I was getting on to the class one day, and a child said, "Mrs. Lee, you should be a doctor." I asked him why he thought that, and he replied, " Because you need patients."
As we were lining up for lunch one day, a boy asked me, "Mrs. Lee, what I is?" He was asking which lunch choice he had made that morning. I told him, "You should ask me, what am I eating for lunch."  He said, "Ok, Mrs. Lee, what is I eating for lunch?"
I have a little boy from another country in my class. When we say the pledge he stands up with us, but he doesn't usually say the pledge. I usually get on to them for not saying the pledge with us, so someone told me one morning he was not saying the pledge. I explained to them that he came from another country so it wasn't really his pledge we were saying. Another little boy said, "I'm from another country too, I'm from Tennessee!"
One day my principal came in to talk to me. When she left she told my class how quiet and good they were being. One little boy looked around surprised and said, "What is she talking about?"
I guess my children know me pretty well. One day when I was getting on to the class, my voice was real hoarse. I told them they were making my voice get worse from fussing at them. One of my boys said, "And now you'll be needing chocolate, won't you Mrs. Lee?"
One day a fourth grader came to see me. He was telling how hard fourth grade is and how he couldn't wait to be a teenager. I told him school would be even harder then. He said he meant when he got out of school. I told him then he would have to get a job, and he said, "but then I'll be boss of Seaworld."

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