
Some of the incomplete FMs will have restrictions about what you can do with them; others don't. Please respect them.
To know about the restrictions, please check the color of the box in front of the mission name in the FMs page.

If you want to release it to others players, you need to explain in the read me file that you edited an origial file made by another person and you need to write the name of this person.
And if possible, please explain what you changed from the original file.

This is the legend:

- "unrestricted" (downloaders can do whatever they want with the I-FM, integrate parts in their own mission, complete in anyway they want to, even for public release (giving the original author credit, of course), without additional author consent),

- "modify for public release is okay (e.g., to help complete the mission), but *only* according to my instructions" (downloaders may help finish the mission, but should strictly follow the author's ideas about how it should be finished, either attached with the I-FM as a readme, or thru direct contact with the author),

- "modify only for personal use, not public" (downloaders can experiment with the I-FM in their own work, but nothing using it will be released to the public),

If you want to see your I-FM in this site just e-mail me.
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