Who is Flávio?

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I am graduated as a System Analist. I worked for a lot of years as a Support Analist in some companies.

I have a Master Degree in Computer Science from the Mathematical Sciences and Computation Institute (ICMC), from São Paulo University (USP), located in São Carlos, São Paulo State.

Actually I am a professor from the Informatic Department (DIN) of the State University of Maringá (UEM).

I'm attending the PhD Degree in the Informatic Department (INF) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFPR). I work with 2 professors: Carlos Becker Westphall and João Bosco Mangueira Sobral.

In this site I want to show my activities in the university and some matters from computer science that I am interested. I also want to talk about HTML, my experience in GeoCities, Java, WWW sites design and other related issues.

After that, I want to talk about 2 of my greatest loves after computers: football and chess. If you want to join me, it will be a great pleasure.


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