Useful Utilities
Exchange Client Registry Hack
Well, I realize the yearly update of this page is not quite yet due (grin) but I had something to post so I thought I'd do it. It's good every once in awhile to share things so that someone else might find something online of value, even if it is a bit esoteric. Anyway, at work we've begun dismantling our Microsoft Office 97 software infrastructure and transitioning our users to StarOffice. To satisfy the e-mail demand temporarily, we decided to have everyone use the regular stripped-down Exchange client. We noticed during deinstallation of Outlook 97, however, that the Exchange Internet E-mail profiles became uneditable and unusable. After some registry hacking, I found a set of keys that were removed by the Microsoft Outlook 97 uninstall program that, once restored, return functionality to the Exchange client. There is just one key that is required to be able to edit and use the Internet E-mail profiles once again, another key for SMTP E-mail send, another for POP3 E-mail checking, and a set of 5 or so for enabling MIME attachments. Note that this may not restore *every bit* of functionality, but it was enough to get us by temporarily! This registry hack has been used on WinME and Win98 machines that had Outlook version 97 with success so far, so no claims are made for other Windows operating systems as of yet. Also, please be sure to *always* export the entire registry (using the regedit.exe utility that comes with Windows) BEFORE you begin playing around with something that could cripple your machine if you're not careful! Download the file below containing a .reg file and run it to fix the problem. - 363 bytes [download]

Good God, I haven't updated this page in over a year! Oh well, I never promised anything, but now I've decided to go ahead and add something. Well, I just graduated this past May (2002) from Georgia State University in Atlanta, so I'm spending some of my free time working on this book:
OpenGL Game Programming

No, I don't mean working ON it, I'm learning from it... Yeah, so I basically decided one day, "Hey I could get a job making games, that would be fun!" Well, easier said than done as I live on the east coast and the vast majority of games jobs are on the west coast. I've decided to start making my own games to hopefully help me get into this kind of position. So, why am I updating this site now after so long? This book is great, it gives atleast a general overview of about every area of importance to someone like me who is just starting to make *games* with OpenGL. However, the one *major* complaint I have about the book is that the code that comes on the CD-ROM is buggy as hell! And apparently some editions are missing the source code altogether! Well, the book's website has some errata:, but there are still some problems that I have found in spite of those listed on the website. Lacking an email address to which I can send these problems, I've decided to publish what I have found here. For the record I'm running Windows XP with the DirectX 8.1 SDK and Microsoft Visual C++ .NET. I say that because I'm not completely against the possibility that my operating system has something to do with atleast a few of the problems I've been seeing. I think thus far I've been able to get those things working that originally were not, so hopefully this will be of use to you, if you happen to have this same book! If not, it might be interesting anyway. Click here so I don't have to make this page larger than necessary!
My email address: [email protected]

This page will be a repository for any of my own programming-related work and ideas that I feel like putting on here. This site will probably be unexciting and not too content-rich for quite awhile since I don't feel like putting a ton of effort into a website at present. For now, sections will be broken up based upon discipline, with Perl being the first. So, for what it's worth...
[email protected]
Looking for a great Perl book? This is the only one I've ever needed...

Mastering Perl 5
    File Manipulation

      This is a small script I wrote for a friend that takes a directory path and searches the contents of all of its files recursively, searching for the specified line and replacing it with another line. It might come in handy for those who spend time working in a unix/linux shell. This has only been tested under Mandrake and Redhat linux installs, so there aren't any guarantees it will work properly under other linux derivations, or under unix. Additionally, this was written using perl version 5.00503, so although I don't expect problems with earlier versions, I can't make any claims.

      Please email me at [email protected] if you find that it doesn't work on your unix/linux version, and I'll start a list of non-compatible OS flavors.

      Syntax: <dir_to_search> <line_to_find> <line_to_substitute> - 919 bytes [download]

      After downloading, extract using `gunzip`.

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