01. A man on the plank is worth two in the brigg
02. After a storm comes some castaways that make real nice galley slaves
03. All play and no work makes Peg leg Pete a dead pirate
04. All's well that ends in a keel-hauling
05. An apple a day keeps the scurvy away
06. April showers bring pirates
07. Crime pays pretty well
08. Dead men tell no tales
09. Don't put all your dubloons in one chest
10. Goodness and beauty both suck
11. He who hesitates is in for a keelhauling
12. It is no use crying over spilt rum
13. Honesty is a policy, and so is keelhauling
14. String em up while the sun shines
15. Nothing is certain except death and keelhauling
16. Old pirates never die, they are simply left to live with the sharks
17. Rats desert a sinking ship
18. Revenge is sweet
19. Spare the rod and spoil the galley slave
20. The end justifies the means
21. Those who live in glass ships should not be pirates
22. When in doubt, keelhaul
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