Ile-aux-Coudres  new version
Ile-aux-Coudres is very important in Quebec history.  It is situated in the St.Lawrence River, some 55 nm downstream from Quebec City.

There are lots of nice landmarks and with its variety of inns and activities, it has become a choice destination for tourists.

The scenery is presented with an adventure.  After you land, pick a vehicle and follow the road signs that will take you around the island and visit all those landmarks and morel

I also included below the report from my  friend Bill Derenberger, my devoted beta tester 'par excellence'   It describes the island better then I could.
Notice our friend Tom Constantine is the miller
The buildings you see further are a watermill
This 'river freighter' was built on this island in 1937 and is now used as a museum named 'Les Voitures d'Eau'. Loosely translated, 'The Water Carriages'
The Church is real but the house is fictitious.  

Notice the horse and buggy and the child with her tricycle.   I believe that adding life in a scenery is important
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