Im going crazy,
would you like to come with me?

May you be always find naked women to throw tiny pickels at you an coo in oblivious delight at your witty, urbane opener of foreign post and packages.

If you behave there will be cake for the miscreants we call your brothers.

Your intelligence is equal to the smoothness of a walnut shell.

Your eyes glow like naked livers burning in the sun.

The perils of your eyelashes torture my libido into a state of crass belief in Roman Catholicism.

Marmots will stick to you in Delaware.

May clinging breasts always come to your aid in the kitchen.

You have not yet reached the height of your depravity

I must demand your pleasing chin! How it passes there and back again like a leopard searching for its misplaced frontal lobes.

'Lo, EUREKA,' I yelled into the cat, 'Thou art truly laborious and divergent. My nose bleeds for your impending encounter with the front fender of a Mercedes Benz.'

Your delightful banana reminds me of a cosmonaut in high heels.

Suffer, for you are toasting the Marzipan!.. (..and may I upon pretense ring latent tintinabulations for your Andalusian raisins!)
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