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Older videos are towards the bottom on the left column, newer videos on the right hand side, with the older at the top and the newer towards the bottom.
Dec. 2, 2006 Scenario
Nov. 4, 2006 Scenario
December 2, 2006 Airsoft scenario at Cpt. Chaus' house again. Decent footage, decent editing, and decent quality. Edited by John.
November 4, 2006 Airsoft scenario at Cpt. Chau's house. Nice job of editing, but not very good quality. Edited by John.
Sept. 10, 2006 Skirmish
Dec. 18, 2006 Battle
September 10, 2006 Airsoft skirmish at John's house, lots of shooting. Edited by John
December 30, 2006 Airsoft battle at Whipple Creek with lots of people. THis was John's birthday party that he had, so he invited like every guy who had a gun and even some who didn't..Great footage, a bit of shooting, but the quality got ruined a bit by :(. Filmed by Tyler Johnson. Edited by John.
Sept. 8, 2006 Kelso,WA, Skirmish
September 8, 2006 Airsoft skirmish in Kelso, WA, at my youth pastor's parents-in-law's house. They had a huge place and everyone had a good time. The first "round" took around 2hr. 30min. to finish. Everyone worked together well and obeyed commands well.Not much action though. Edited by John
Dec. 30, 2006 Skirmish
December 30, 2006 Airsoft battle at Whipple Creek. Decent footage, decent editing, lots of shooting. Edited by John.
Labor Day Training
January 27, 2007 Battle
September 4, 2006 Not enough people for a skirmish, so we had a small practice/training session. There is a part that all of us don't have goggles on, but that is because we were practicing, had our mags out, and the guns were on safety, so please don't email me complaing about lack of goggles. It wasn't live fire for that part, but we did do live fire after it, which I merged with our training viideo. Edited by John
January 27, 2007 Airsoft battle against G.O.A.T. at Whipple Creek. We won, 2-1, but they were an uber hard-core and well-trained opponent. The video is awfully blurry, due to, but if you want the real 45mgb video, send me an email! Edited by John. (btw, the email is on the front page on the site)
February 17, 2007 Skirmish
February 17, 2007 Airsoft battle at Whipple Creek with only four of us. Amazingly enough, theres actually some decent footage..and theres also some junk footage that I should have cut out :(. The music is taken from Red, an awesome band..and it sorta fits in with the movie. Anyways, I hope ya like it! Edited by John
6/24/2006 Battle
June 24,2006 airsoft skirmish at Whipple Creek. Everyone worked great with each other, even though its was 88 degrees out. This video has lots of shooting video clips and a few still pictures. Edited by John.
5/29/2006 Memorial Battle
January-June 2007 Video
Memorial Airsoft Battle at Chris's house. Not very much action clips, but still decently good. Edited by John.
Pretty good video made with pictures and clips form my camera that I hadn't taken off in awhile.
Edited by John.
5/27/2006 Battle
Battle with Joshua Ness
May 27, 2006 airsoft skrimish at Whipple Creek. The skyview team merged with our team. This was a super rainy battle, everyone was soaken, but the camera doesn't really show it. Alot more action then the other videos. Edited by Brian.
So basically, we had a decent sized battle (10 people) up at a forest near Joshua's grandparent's house (thats where he stays when he's in the US).Joshua is a missionary's kid in Tanzania, Africa (hes white btw) and a good friend of mine. This video is a slideshow with hmm..its not really a video now, eh?
Edited by John.
Team vs. Team
Whipple Creek Airsoft Team against a Skyview Highschool team. We won the first two rounds, then split into  three different teams for the last battle. Filmed with a helmet camera. Edited by Brian.
Continue to Page Two
Collection of older video clips of us. Edited by John.
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