After many frustrating attempts at setting up a blog, I've decided it would be a whole lot easier to just start a journal at a site I already have started. 

Flat Earth Comics is the little spot on the web where I store all the comics work I'm involved in.  Hidden somewhere in here is the notorious Narrative Corpse I've been working on with a group of like-minded individuals at the message board I frequent.  We're not quite ready to reveal the sucker yet, but when we do, it'll most likely be on it's own site.  I'm just telling you about it to make you crave this four-colour masterpiece we have cooking.  In addition to comics you aren't entitled to look at, you will find the Hugo comics from my sketchbook.  This is my little attempt to scribble down an old fashioned comic strip, similar to my beloved Little Orphan Annie, if she grew up in Welland.  It's not much to look at, but it makes me happy like the Baby Jesus. 

In real life news, I'm just coming off two days off and have little to show for it, as usual.  One thing I did accomplish was the beginning of my first foray in web design. 
Atomic Horror.  Feel free to give it a visit.  There's not much content there (OK, make that none), but I'm busily working up a few decent reviews, between drawing, eating sleeping. working, and writing a few essays for a webzine.

Oh yeah, we were talking about real life now.  Everything's good, but I feel as if the summertime is slipping through my fingers.  I haven't gone camping in years, or had one of those week long + vacations I hear everyone talking about.  I barely even make it outside anymore.  But...I did get to ride a bike, which was exilhirating.  And the stars are so nice, that I take my dog out for more walks than she can handle.  I'm out here in the Perogie ghetto, and I miss pressing the flesh like I used to in Downtown.  It's weird living here.  Everything's so quiet and...predictable.  I've become very domesticated.  I'm just hoping that I can tranfer some of this empty time into constructive things, like this Jungle comic I've been thnking of...

August 2, 2001
12:47 am
Flat Earth Journal
Back to main page.

I just erased a huge journal entry about my wonderful night.  Let's see if I can stay awake long enough to fill you in.  Again.

Rumours.  Dateline-August 2nd.

Kicked it out Rose City Style in the Big Falls with The Triffid, The Healthiest Man in Canada, and The Alpha Female.  Funny how all my friends' names start with "The."  In short, AF stuck her thumb up a guy's bum for hassling a goth chick, I had to hug a man to stop him from beating me up, Billy went ass-to-ass multiple times, Little TO got all the action, Mikey got the cock out in the open where it belongs, I humped a girl's leg to make her go away, Nestle Snipes came very close to getting a fat lip, the NFNY crew failed to show, one of their members traded moves with us on the floor, Moyer almost got into a fight with these jealous ladies who wanted to birth my children and I capped off the night on the stoop at the Sev polishing off a Slurpee.  And that, my friends, is what summer is all about!

In the comic news, because I know you're all burning for my updates,
The Golem's Mighty Swing looks like the kind of comic I wish I could draw.  Let James Sturm now enter the hallowed halls of cartoonists who I envy without pause.

Fergie wants me to go abed.  I love my dog.


August 3rd, 3:48 am
I was thinking today about one of the worst ideas I have ever had presented to me.  Over the years I have been told by my friends, independent of one another, that I should do a comic dedicated to the women in my life.  This may be due to the notion presented most recently by Karissa, but also expressed elsewhere, that I am a Romantic.  It's not that these people want all the smutty details, it's just that, unlike most everyone else I know, when the relationship ends I'm almost never bitter.  And if I am, usually it fades after a few months.  My heart is filled with affection for the strong women who, as friends, more than friends or otherwise, have made this dismal little life of mine so enriching.  As I get a little older, I can look back on the whole picture, how every little crush, failed date, blind lust, unfortunate circumstance and disappointment was tempered by the smiles and support of people who make up such special times in my life.  And so today I reconsidered the idea of this loopy comic.  And once again, I discarded it (across the world, women everywhere breathe a huge sigh of relief).

So, despite the fact that I won't be showing it to the public, I will be writing it out for my own benefit.  If you're reading this right now, the odds are good that you will be included.  But I guess you'll never know for sure.


August 4, 2001
12:02 am
Onward to the next entry.
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