The end of the first year has come around. And we're all going our seperate ways. That's why I've started this page, to keep tabs on everyone. It also gives me an excuse to keep in contact with everyone.
They can never escape!!

2nd Year
We have all separated. Tis sad but true... So where is everyone? What are we doing? This is in part subjective cause it's written by me, Hana, and I don't know everything - despite what some say :P

David : living with Paul and Matt (see the intruders page), "other" Helen and Sally. Paul has started a football team and David plays (or tries to anyway) on it. He's still going out with "our" Helen.

Ellie : in America! She's got a year's work placement in the midts of her course and she is currently working at a hotel in ...Detriot? Somewhere like that. I'll find out. She seems to be absolutely loving it. I've emailed her but a couple of times. I know that Pete has been emailing her recently and that Sophie's still in contact with her.

Emma : in the big house with Helen, Sophie, Kev and intruders Jen, Laura and Christina. It's a real nice house. I've only seen Emma a couple of times this year so my update isn't very good. Sorry.

Hana : ...that's me! I'm living in a house - a real student slum :P - with Richard, Pete and intruder Mick. We've also got a girl call Liza staying with us for a while. Mick's ex. I've not moved on much. Still see the same people, still go the same places. Ho hum.

Helen : in the big house (see Emma). She continues to go out with Dave and seems well the times when I've seen her. Work on their course (Dave, Emma, Kev & Hel's) is getting a lot harder but then, you'd expect that.

Ketna : around. lol. I haven't seen Ketna at all since being back in Manc. I've texted her a coupla times. She's living with boyfriend Bav in halls again. Only they're real plush halls. Lovely.

Kev : another one I haven't seen. I know he's living in the big house (see Emma). I know he's still maintaining, like, 12 jobs. I heard he was going out with some guy - also called Kev!

Pete : living in the student slum (see Hana). He continues to love Oasis and actually met Noel Gallagher this year. He is also stalking Aziz from the Stone Roses seemingly. lol. (He's not really BTW, just keeps bumping into him). Loadsa work, loadsa music, loasda food. Typical Pete.

Richard : living in the student slum too! (See Hana). He has started a new option on his English course this year which is to do with video production and has been the writer/director of his own movie. Go Rich! :)

Sarah :, of course, no longer in Manc. She left around Easter time and is now at University of Hertfordshire which she loves. She's been doing very well at her course and - in emails I have exchanged with her - seems very content.

Sophie : in the big house (see Emma). I've been out with her clubbing a couple of times. She seems well but again - I guess I haven't really kept up to date that much.

Wow, writing the above made me realise how much I have lost contact with my old flatmates. That sucks. Especially as - with the exceptions of Ellie & Sarah - they only live up the road.

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