Wasatch Brewing Company
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Wasatch First Ammendment Lager is a sweet tasting beer that has a little bit of bite as it goes down.  The overall texture is above average for lagers.  The color should be a little bit darker to have that look of a top class beer.  It finishes smooth like a lager should with virtually no aftertaste.
Color:  3.5
Smell:  4.5
Taste:  4
Texture:  3
Aftertaste:  5

Overall Rating:  20/25
Polygamy Porter is one amazing beer.  It is so incredibly smooth, with a wonderful consistency.  Its the perfect mixture of darkness, smoothness, and thickness.  The brillian dark color is very inviting and it has no bite as it is being consumed.  Leaving no aftertaste, along with a sweet smell and taste that is unusual to porters, this is one of the tops.
Color:  5
Smell:  3.5
Taste:  4.5
Texture: 4.5
Aftertaste:  5

Overall Rating: 22.5
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