Grand Teton Brewing Company
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Million Dollar Cowboy Bar Beer is a sweet tasting beer with a great aroma.  Although thicker than most ales, it is incredibly smooth.  This is all around one of the best golden ales available.  It is said to be brewed with pure Teton spring water.  It is brewed solely for the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar.
Color:  4
Taste:  4.5
Smell:  5
Texture:  4.5
Aftertaste:  5

Overall Rating: 23/25
Teton Ale is a strong amber ale. For an ale, this beer is quite thick with a tea-like taste.  Its texture is like that of most other ales, but it smells great.  The color is quite dark for an amber ale, making it look more like a lager.  Overall, this ale has potential.
Color:  3.5
Smell:  4
Taste:  3.5
Texture:  3
Aftertaste:  3.5

Overall Rating: 17.5/25
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