This is V. She is an essential member of the flat, being part of the late night, upstairs and pisshead teams (sometimes simultaneously).

She is most frequently found bumming around the flat as a result of her ridiculous timetable comprising two lectures a week.
When not doing this, she can be found bumming around in Ruth's flat;
bumming around in bars or bumming around in Leeds doing silly things like wasting her time making websites when she should be working.

She can also be found bumping into Mia in the early hours of Friday morning while she frantically attempts to build a model or two.
V likes:

(multiple) doublevodka&cokes; eating cornflakes in the sun; Will; drinking tea; dancing when v.drunk; taking photos; ER; the Tadao Ando wall in Picadilly Gardens; Chatroom of the Week; pink stuff; daffodils; this website
V dislikes:

that advert where the guy mistakes a tampon for a sweet; discourteous drivers who don't say thankyou when giving way to them; The Lighthouse Family; dom casual; celery - at all; people who don't like this website
vicky's photo gallery
Quiz question: Which one do you like best?
Disembarking from tumble dryer
drunk possibly
at work
bandaged finger due to incident involving ice cube tray
You think you're smart, but do you know the answer?
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