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Unnofficial PictoQuest Page
This is my un-official PQ page that has nothing to do with the people who made the game or helped do that.
PQ (PictoQuest) is an imaginary RPG game that a bunch of people made up. You can play it using Pictochat on your DS, or for those of you without a DS, you can use pencil and paper. I'm going to assume that you're using the DS. For the steps with *s, you don't really have to do it. And I wouldn't do it.

1*-Type 'Pictoquest is awesome' while you are in Chat Room B.
2  -Make up a name for your character.
3  -Your character's starting stats are:
      Power: 10
               Power: How much damage you do to your opponents HP.
      Agility: 10
               Agility- The ability to dodge opponent's attacks. If when your opponent attcks you and
               Opponent's Accuracy minus Your Agility is still>7, you dodge the attack.
               Dexterity-Whoever has the higher dexterity attacks first.
      Blocking: 10
               Blocking-works the same as agility
      Intelligence: 10
               Intelligence-add these to your blocking or agility points in a battle.
      HP: 100
                Pictopokos-Money in PQ
                Magic-Power of your spells. Use with accuracy like power
                Accuracy: How accurate you are
      Magic Points-100
                Magic Points-Each spell costs a certain # of Magic Points. Your MP recharges by 10 every
                time you attack.
      EXP: 0
                You need 300 exp to advance a level. You get EXP from beating missions.

When you advance a level you get 1 point to add to these stats (100 for HP and  MP)

PictoShop- Here are the items you can buy after beating mission 4:

Items: Chocolate Milk:Increases HP by 80- Costs 210 Pictopokos
Magic Broom: enables you to runaway from a fight- Costs 2000 Pictopokos
Magic Darts: increases your magic stat by 4 Cost: 40- Costs 500 Pictopokos
Power pellet: Increases your power by 5 for a mission-Costs 290 Pictopokos
Mushroom: Increases your HP by 50- Costs 100 Pictopokos
Fireflower: Burns your opponent doing 5 extra dmage per attack you do for the entire battle. 3000Pictopokos

Here are the weapons for sale here

Sword: +3 agility -4 blocking +1 accuracy-Cost:430 Pictopokos
Dagger: +4 accuracey -7 blocking +3 dexterity 430 Pictopokos
bow and arrow: +5 accuracy -8 blocking +6 agility 430 Pictopokos

Attacthment for Sword s
Double Side-enables you to attack twice in Combat because your sword has 2 sides- Costs 2000 Pictopokos
Flaming sword-works the same as a Fire Flower but it is always on your sword not just during battle but you always have it-Costs 4000 Pictopokos
You also start with 2 items.

Power Pellet x1- Increases your power by 5 for a mission.
Mushroom x1- Increases your HP by 50.
Missions- I did not make the missions, but this is what I know:

For mission one, you just have to beat a Metroid. You don't have to draw it and the DS won't by itself either. Metroid x1:HP: 10    EXP:100

Also, most of the way down, there will be one that says :
Mission -1. This is
not a typing error. This is Mission Negative 1. Got it?
Click here for rhe list of all PictoQuest Missions to date. After these, make up your own, and play them and share with friends. Be sure to write the results down!
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