So I'm back in the good old U.S. of A. Land of the free, home of the brave. United We Stand. Don't Tread on Me. Let's bomb and oppress people with darker skin than us, etc.

Now some places in the USA are rather enjoyable. Like Boston for example. Sure the people are assholes, but its a great city to experience. Or New York City. Sure the people are assholes, but culturally there's no city in the world that can touch it. Or Philadelphia. Sure the people are assholes but, OK, you get the point.

But I'm in Wisconsin now. The people here are quite nice. The problem is that the closest they ever come to culture is when they eat a cup of yogurt. Of course yogurt is healthy, so people out here will never touch it. Apparently not only does the government subsidize farmers in the Midwest, it also subsidizes obesity. Every 100 pounds you weigh over your recommended body weight gives you $1000 in tax deductions.

Here's the basic recipe to every food item in Wisconsin:
Take it, stuff it with cheese. Cover it in beer batter, then deep fry. Cover in gravy and/or more cheese. Line up doctor to provide angioplasty in advance. Enjoy.

Another thing: the accents. Ontario is a pretty accent free zone. Quebec's accent is understandable, because they also speak French. Wisconsin's accent makes them sound borderline illiterate and depressingly naive. The state motto should be, "Oh yah, yoo betcha. Howza bout dem Packers?" Someone gouge my ears with a rusty bottle. Please.
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