Those historical markers on road sides are pretty pointless. I stopped at one in Virginia. It read, "10 days after shooting President Lincoln, John Wilkes Boothe was captured by federal agents 5 miles from this spot." What's the point of putting up a historical marker five miles from where something actually happened? They never put a D-Day monument in Dover did they? No, they'd put it where it actually happened, in Normandy.

And speaking of John Wilkes Boothe, why is it that they always let you know the assassin's full name? John Wilkes Boothe, Mark David Chapman, Lee Harvey Oswald (if he actually did it), John David Hinckley........for the real psychos however, who kill multiple people, they give the standard two (Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson). Is this a secret message that political people are more important that normal people? Ask your congressman or visit your local library, where you can find many books on the subject and European films no one gives a shit about.

The Jackal was the only exception to the "Assassin Name Rule," but sadly he wasn't real. I'm talking about the original Jackal from the 60's by the way, not the gay Bruce Willis imitation from a few years back.
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