Christians who are antisemitic make no sense. If they dislike Jews, then technically they shouldn't have an aversion to Jesus, should they?

Words I use often, but am not within a flying fuck of knowing the definition of:
And words that are just plain funny:
Once we land on Mars I believe we need to simply end it. What can you do after landing on Mars that could possibly amount to shit in comparison?
"Well we've invented this new insole for your shoe."
"Uh huh. And how does it stack up against landing on Mars? What's the point Larry? Let's just blow up the damned planet and go out on top."

The smartest method of performing a series of tasks is to do the most difficult first and then the progressively easier ones so that you get the big stuff out of the way. This should only be applied to menial chores like mowing the lawn, cleaning a room, and so on. When it comes to global problems, we should take the complete opposite approach.

AIDS? It mutates, and the spread can be prevented very easily. Don't have sex or share blood in the rare eventuality that situation will occur. Cancer? Tragic, but still tricky to treat. All those weird diseases named after people that people only care about after a celebrity contracts? About eight people have each of those worldwide, and while I agree that they're horrible diseases, we should concentrate on the big stuff.

Like world hunger for example. We don't exactly need research for this little problem. We know the cure: food. And it's not like its exactly a rare commodity. Oh sure in Somalia they don't have anyhing, but go into any U.S. grocery store and there's food coming out the ass (though personally I wouldn't eat it if that's where it was). Now all we have to do to solve this easy problem is take some of the food we're hoarding over here and give it to the people who actually need it. Once we finish that up, then we can move on to AIDS, ok?
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