About gastronomy and Gundels


Published in Hungary, 1987
by Mezõgazdasági Könyvkiadó Vállalat

Setting and print by Alföldi Nyomda, Debrecen  

© Imre Gundel, 1987

ISBN 963 232 464 1


Some words about the book, cited from the book's foreword

This literary work is more then the Gundel-family's history, or the recalling of a period of the Hungarian gastronomy. It is also a social look out, which gives us an example about the love for one's profession, the craftsmanship's prestige forming and the power of the professional togetherness. It is not only a specialized literature, but in part it is a social history too, and an insight into a big, inspired family's (artists', literary works' publishers', performers') sometimes tragic life. ………

Primarily the "novel" of Gundels is not a memoirs literature, but it is a reminiscence of the Hungarian followable gastronomy's stage which we have to preserve. …… The Gundel-houses' learners are still alive, and there followers are even now actively working. They honestly take their teachers' wisdom, and it is not accidental, that nowadays there are so many middle-aged gastronomes in Budapest and in our country, who are not only proud of their profession , but fanatically love it. They not only accomplish their own personal and professional ambitions, but they believe, that to educate and train their followers is equivalently important . ….. Imre Gundel is the last, smallest son of Charles Gundel, who devotes his life to gastronomy." ……

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