Camember fritters
(French Cookery, pages 18/19)

                                           Serves: 4


1 /
250 gr

Camembert cheese,
just ripe

15 g/
1/2 oz


25 g/ 1 oz


5 Tbs

warm milk

1 Tbs

brandy, or

1/4 ts

freshly ground white pepper



1 Tbs

flour and

3 Tbs

dry breadcrumbs for coating
oil for frying

For the garnish

Sprigs of


1. Remove the rind from the Camembert cheese. Mash the cheese with fork in a small bowl and beat well until it is really smooth.

2. Make roux: melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the flour. Cook for 1-2 minutes without browning and then stir in the milk and brandy or calvados, beating vigorously to make a smooth, thick sauce. Season with pepper and cool. Mix in the Camembert to make a firm croquette mixture.

3. Take small amounts of the cheese mixture and roll between floured hands to make cork shaped croquettes. Beat the egg with 2 tablespoons of cold water and use to coat the croquettes.

4. Roll the croquettes at once in a mixture of flour and breadcrumbs and then deep-fry them quickly in hot oil until golden brown. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper and serve garnished with sprigs of parsley.

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