
Chervil - extracted from the pages of One Planet -

(Anthriscus cerefolium), annual herb of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). It is native to regions of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and to western Asia. Chervil was once called myrrhis for its volatile oil, which has an aroma similar to the resinous substance of myrrh. One of the traditional fines herbes in French cuisine, chervil is valued for its light parsley-like flavor with a hint of myrrh. The benefits of chervil were described by the Roman scholar Pliny, and during the Middle Ages it was used to treat various ailments. Chervil has a delicate aroma and a taste reminiscent of anise. The essential oil occurs in a duct accompanying each of the veins in the leaflets and rachis (the axis of the leaflets). In some parts of Europe, chervil root is eaten as a vegetable.

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