ONIONS (Allium cepa)

Source :
ONION - http://www.wegmans.com; http://www.foodsubs.com;
ONION - extracted from the pages of One Planet -

Onion (species Allium cepa)

herbaceous biennial plant and its edible bulb. The onion is probably native to southwestern Asia but is now grown throughout the world, chiefly in the temperate zones. The plant belongs to the lily family, Liliaceae, most members of which have an underground storage system, such as a bulb or tuber. Other members of this family include such ornamental plants as the tulip, hyacinth, and lily-of-the-valley and also such edible plants as the leek, garlic, and chive. There are two main classifications of onions -- green onions and dry onions, which are simply mature onions with a juicy flesh covered with dry, papery skin.

The common onion has one or more leafless stalks that reach a height of 0.75-1.8 m (2.5-6 feet) and terminate in a cluster of small greenish white flowers. The leaf bases of the developing plant swell to form the underground bulb that is the mature, edible onion. Most commercially cultivated onions are grown from the plant's small black seed, which is sown directly in the field, but onions may also be grown from small bulbs or from transplants. Onions are among the hardiest of all garden-vegetable plants.

Onions are among the world's oldest cultivated plants. They were probably known in India, China, and the Middle East before recorded history. Ancient Egyptians regarded the spherical bulb as a symbol of the universe, and its name is probably derived from the Latin unus, meaning "one." The Romans introduced the onion to Britain and, in the New World, American Indians added a highly pungent wild onion to their stews, ragouts. Curative powers have been attributed to onions throughout the centuries; they have been recommended for such varied ailments as colds, earaches, laryngitis, animal bites, powder burns, and warts.

Onions are used widely in cooking. They add flavour to such dishes as stews, ragouts, roasts, soups, and salads, and are also served as a cooked vegetable. The onion's characteristic pungency results from the sulfur-rich volatile oil it contains. Release of this oil during peeling is mixing with your tears and brings more tears to the eyes, but many cooks claim that tears can be avoided by peeling onions under running water. For me it is better to use underwater, or swim goggles even in the kitchen, especially if I have to peel, or dice onions in bulk.

Onions vary in size, shape, colour, and pungency. Warmer climates produce onions with a milder, sweeter flavour than do other climates.



Globe-shaped onions may be white, yellow, or red. Generally they have strong flavour and are used chiefly for soups, stews, ragouts, and other prepared dishes and for frying.



Bermuda onions are large and flat, with white or yellow colour and fairly mild taste. They are often cooked and may be stuffed, roasted, or French-fried. They are also sliced and used raw in salads and sandwiches.

Substitutes:  Spanish onion OR yellow onion OR Vidalia onion (sweeter) OR Walla Walla onion (sweeter, best raw or lightly cooked) OR Maui onion (sweeter) OR red onion

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions.


Boiler = boiling onion =boiler onion

Small and mildly flavored. Peel and pickle, boil or braise. Add to soups or stews.

Substitutes: Pearl onions (smaller) OR Cippolini onion


Bunching onion = green onion = shallot (in Australia) = Chinese onion


Calcot :

Substitutes: small leeks OR green onions


Carzalia sweet onion

Substitutes: Other sweet onion


Chinese onion = bunching onion = green onion = shallot (in Australia)


Cippolini onion

Pronunciation: chip-ah-LEE-nee

Notes: These round, flat onions are about one to two inches in diameter. For more information, see the section on Cippolini onions in the Cooseman's Worldwide Specialty Produce page.

Substitutes: pearl onion


Cooking (All-Purpose)

Pungent flavor. Add to soups, stews, roasts or veggie dishes.


Creole onion = red onion = sweet red Italian onion = Italian red onion


Granex onion

Substitutes: Maui onion OR Walla Walla onion OR Bermuda onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe) OR Spanish onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe)


Green onion (Scallions) = bunching onion = shallot (in Australia) = Chinese onion

Green onions, also called scallions and spring onions, are young onions harvested when their tops are green and the underdeveloped bulbs are 13 mm or less in diameter. Their flavour is mild, and the entire onion, including top, stem, and bulb, is used raw in salads and sauces, or vegetable platters, and as a garnish, and also as a seasoning for prepared dishes. Use raw in salads or vegetable platters. Stir-fry with other vegetables. You can also grill or sauté them. Scallions are the most popular type of green onion; other varieties include onion tops, shallot tops and young leeks.

Equivalents: 1 bunch = 1/4 pound = 1/2 cup sliced

Substitutes: chives (if used raw) OR leeks OR shallots


Italian red onion = red onion = sweet red Italian onion = creole onion

Italian onions are flat, with red colour and mild flavour. They are used raw for salads and sandwiches, and their red outer rings make an attractive garnish.



Substitutes: onion OR asparagus (as a side vegetable)

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Leeks.



From the Hawaiian islands. Juicy, sweet, mild and crisp. Shaped like a slightly flattened sphere.

Substitutes: Granex onion OR Walla Walla onion OR Vidalia onion OR Spanish onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe) OR Bermuda onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe)

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions, or see the section on Maui onions in the Cooseman's Worldwide Specialty Produce page


pearl onion = white globe onion

Mild, pungent flavor. Pearl onions are not a specific variety but are small, round, white onions that are picked when between 25 and 38 mm in diameter are used to flavour foods having fairly delicate taste, such as omelets and other egg dishes, sauces, and peas. They are also served boiled or baked. Peel and pickle, boil or braise. Cream for vegetable combinations or stews.

Substitutes: boiling onion (larger) OR cippolini onion Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions, or see the section on Pearl onions in the Cooseman's Worldwide Specialty Produce page


ramp = wild leek


red onion = sweet red Italian onion = Italian red onion = creole onion

Substitutes: Spanish onion OR Maui onion OR Vidalia onion OR Walla Walla onion

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions.



Spherical onions with flattened stem ends. Use in salads or sandwiches. Zesty onion flavor. Often eaten raw. Color fades when cooked.


red torpedo onion

Substitutes: red onion


scallion = green onion = bunching onion = shallot (in Australia) = Chinese onion



Mild onion flavor.

Notes: Australians use the term shallots to describe green onions, but to Americans, shallots are shaped like small brown onions with papery brown skins.

Substitutes: white part of green onions OR onions (1 small onion = 3 shallots) + dash crushed garlic OR small red onion OR green onions OR garlic


Spanish onion = sweet Bermuda onion

Spanish onions are large, sweet, and juicy, with colour ranging from yellow to red. Can be eaten raw in salads or sandwiches. They are used raw and sliced for salads and sandwiches and as a garnish. Great in stir-fries or any other cooked meals. A milder, sweeter onion.

Substitutes: yellow onion OR red onion (sweeter)

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions.


Spring onion (for boil or braise)


sweet Bermuda onion = Spanish onion


Sweet Imperial onion

Substitutes: other sweet onions


Sweet onion


sweet red Italian onion = red onion = Italian red onion = creole onion


Texas onion

Includes: Texas spring sweet and Texas 1015

Substitutes: Vidalia onions (smaller) OR Walla Walla onions (smaller) OR Maui onions (smaller)


Vidalia onion

Substitutes: Walla Walla onion OR Maui onion OR Texas 1015 onion (larger) OR Spanish onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe) OR Bermuda onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe)

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Vidalia Onions or on Onions.


Walla Walla onion

Substitutes: Granex onion OR Maui onion OR Vidalia onion OR red onion OR Bermuda onion (not as sweet; consider adding up to 1 tablespoon sugar per onion to recipe)


Wild leek = Ramp

Substitutes: leeks (milder, larger)


white globe onion = pearl onion


White onion


yellow globe onion = yellow onion


yellow onion = yellow globe onion

Substitutes: Spanish onion OR Texas onion (use half as many)

Notes: For more information, see the Wegman's Food Market's page on Onions.



1 small onion = 1/3 C = 1 teaspoon onion powder = 1 tablespoon dried onion


Look for onions that are heavy for their size with dry, papery skins and no signs of spotting or moistness. Avoid onions with soft spots.


Keep in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Once cut, onions should be tightly wrapped, refrigerated and used within 4 days. Refrigerate green onions.

Uses & Preparation:

To prepare the large onion varieties, slip off papery skin, trim off stem ends. Mince, chop or slice.

To prepare green onions, trim off root end and any dried out tips. Otherwise use the whole onion.



Nutrition Information:

Fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.

Low in calories.

Good source of vitamin C.

Onions are low in nutrients but are valued for their flavour. Most whole onions are slightly dried before marketing, making their skins dry and paper-thin. Leading world producers of dry onions include China, India, the United States, Russia, Japan, and Turkey. Spain is the leading European producer.

Onions are also available in various processed forms. Boiled and pickled onions are packed in cans or jars. Frozen onions are available chopped or whole, and bottled onion juice is sold for use as a flavouring.

Dehydrated onion products have been available since the 1930s. Processing involves elimination of most of the moisture by heat or by freeze-drying. Such products include granulated, ground, minced, chopped, and sliced forms. Onion powder is made by grinding dehydrated onions and is sometimes packaged in combination with salt.

Dried onion products are used in a variety of prepared foods. They are also sold directly to the consumer for use as condiments. The United States is the world's leading producer of dried onion products, and the state of California is a major producer of onions developed and cultivated for this industry.

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