My recipe after the "Simple wonderful" cookbook

· Makes 5 cups ·


· 125 gr butter

· 1/2 cup white flour

· 4 cups chicken stock

· 3/4 cup rich sour cream

· 2-3 slices of wild mushrooms, preferably yellow boletus, or flap mushroom

· maximum 2 teaspoon whole green pepper

1. In a saucepan melt the butter, sprinkle in the flour, and make a light colored roux.

2. Mix in the strained chicken stock, mix well using an egg-whisk. Clean, wash the mushroom slices, leave in a colander to drip the excess water, do not squeeze. Slice the mushrooms, add to the sauce, bring to the boil, then simmer for about 30 minutes, often stirring.

3. Put in a blender or use hand mixer to make it smooth. Add maximum 2 teaspoons of green pepper, that you have slightly cracked in a kitchen towel, using the back of a spoon or your steak hammer. Be careful, use less pepper if you don't like hot dishes.

4. Add the sour cream into the sauce while stirring, carefully reheat, but do not boil, on low fire, then let to cool a little bit, strain off pepper bits, pour into a sauce dish to offer, sprinkled with some whole green peppers.

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