· serves 6 ·


· 450 gr (1 font) Spanish white beans,

· 450 gr (14 oz) can tomatoes,

· 1 medium onion, diced,

· 3 chorizos (Spanish cooking sausage), chopped

· 115 gr (4 oz) serrano ham, chopped,,

· 50 ml (2 fl. oz) olive oil,

· 2 cloves garlic, chopped,

· 1 level tablespoon sweet Spanish paprika (or better Hungarian),

· salt, to your taste

1. Soak the beans overnight in water.

2. Put three litres (5 1/4 pints) of water into a large pot with the soaked beans. Add the tin of tomatoes with half of the diced onion. Bring to the boil on a high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer.

3. After 1/2 hours of simmering, add the chopped chorizo and the chopped serrano ham. Continue to simmer gently. Depending on size and the quality of the beans, they should turn to a soft consistency after 1 hour.

4. When the beans are soft, remove the pan from the heat and set aside. In a frying pan, cook the remaining onion in the olive oil with the chopped garlic. When the onion is soft, remove the frying pan from the heat. Add the sweet paprika and 225 ml (8 fl.oz) of water, taken from the beans. Add this mixture to the beans and bring to boil again slowly. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, season, then serve hot.

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