Source: http://home.inreach.com/sherilyn/aussie.htm

· Serves 4 ·

Like the United States, Australian cuisine is influenced by it's immigrants. The result is a wonderful blend of flavours. - Sherilyn


· 1 lb lean beef

· 1 onion

· 2 tablespoons vinegar

· salt and pepper, to taste

· 2 oz drippings

· 2 tablespoons flour

· 2 pints cold water

Savoury Balls:

· 1/2 lb flour

· 1 teaspoon baking powder

· parsley

· 4 oz suet

· 1 onion

· salt and pepper

1. Put dripping into a stew pan and brown chopped onion; add flour and brown that, then add water, pepper, salt and stir until it boils.

2. Cut meat into small pieces and dip in vinegar. Place in stew pan and cover closely. Stew for 1 1/2 hours then add savoury balls.

Savory balls:

1. Chop finely suet, onion and parsley, then add to the flour and powder with a little water.

2. Cut dough into 12 pieces and roll into balls. Place on top of stew and cook for 3/4 hour.

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