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· 1 lb. White or brown mushrooms (cleaned)

· 1/2 cup unsalted butter

· 1 tsp. lemon juice

· 1 onion (peeled and sliced)

· 1/3 cup unbleached flour

· 2 cups of water

· 1 1/2 cup mushroom broth

· Salt and white pepper to taste

· 1 cup whipping cream

Preparation and Cooking

  1. Slice the mushrooms and the stems. Set the stems aside. Heat butter in a pot (do not burn) and add the mushrooms, stir and add lemon juice. Cook mushrooms until tender.

  2. Reduce heat and remove mushrooms from pot, set aside in a bowl. Add onion and stems and cook until onions are tender. Slowly add flour to mixture and mix until thoroughly blended. Gradually add the water and broth stirring well until blended. Cook until thickened (do not stop stirring)

  3. Very carefully take half of the mixture and place in a blender. Blend until smooth (be careful to do it slowly, otherwise hot liquid will splatter. Do the same with the remaining half.

  4. Return soup to pot adds the mushrooms slices, salt, white pepper and cream. Reheat soup until boiling stage (do not over boil). Serve immediately.


You can prepare soup a day before (do not blend). Just before serving reheat the soup, blend and add remaining ingredients. Serve.

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