Chili peppers

Penzeys Spices - Catalog of Sesoning -

Chili peppers are capsicums, in the same family as bell peppers and paprika pods. They range in flavor from rich and sweet, to fiery hot. A combination of both sweet (ancho) and hot (dundicut, chipotle, and jalapeño) chili peppers are used in Mexican cooking for full-flavored, spicy chili, and other dishes. For Chinese cooking, tien tsin peppers are most common, and in Indian cooking sanaam and dundicut peppers are used, along with a variety of spices. The important thing to remember is to combine the heat of chili peppers with other spices, so the finished dish will have a full-bodied flavor. Since chili peppers are dried vegetables, they will keep best if stored in the refrigerator, especially during the summer.

Chiles - extracted from the pages of One Planet -

Also called GARDEN PEPPER (Capsicum), any of a great number of plants of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, notably Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, and C. boccatum, extensively cultivated throughout tropical Asia and equatorial America for their edible, pungent fruits. Peppers, which have been found in prehistoric remains in Peru, were widely grown in Central and South America in pre-Columbian times. Pepper seeds were carried to Spain in 1493 and from there spread rapidly throughout Europe.

The genus Capsicum comprises all the varied forms of fleshy-fruited peppers grown as herbaceous annuals--the red, green, and yellow peppers rich in vitamins A and C that are used in seasoning and as a vegetable food. Hot peppers, used as relishes, pickled, or ground into a fine powder for use as spices, derive their pungency from the compound capsaicin, a substance characterized by acrid vapours and burning taste, that is located in the internal partitions of the fruit. First isolated in 1876, capsaicin stimulates gastric secretions and, if used in excess, causes inflammation.

In addition to the cherry (Cerasiforme group) and red cluster (Fasciculatum), these hot varieties, which are red when mature, include the tabasco (Conoides), which is commonly ground and mixed with vinegar to produce a hot sauce, and the long "hot" chili and cayenne (Longum), often called capsicums. Cayenne pepper, said to have originated in Cayenne in French Guiana, is one of the spices derived from these peppers and is produced in many parts of the world.

The mild bell or sweet peppers (Grossum) have larger, variously coloured but generally bell-shaped, furrowed, puffy fruits that are used in salads and in cooked dishes. These varieties are harvested when bright green in colour--before the appearance of red or yellow pigment--about 60-80 days after transplanting.

The term "pimiento," from the Spanish for "pepper," is applied to certain mild pepper varieties possessing distinctive flavour but lacking in pungency; these include the European paprikas, which include the paprika (q.v.) of commerce, a powdered red condiment that was known in Hungary by the late 16th century. "Pimiento," often pronounced the same as "pimento," should not be confused with the latter, which is allspice. (see also Index: paprika)

Pepper plants are treated as tender summer annuals outside their native habitat. They are propagated by planting seed directly in the field or by transplanting seedlings started in greenhouses or hotbeds after six to ten weeks.

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