(Source: THE LONDON COOKBOOK, page 22)

· Serves 6·


For the velouté souce:

· 25 g (1 oz) butter,

· 2 tablespoons flour,

· 350 ml (12 fl oz) warm chicken stock,

· salt and freshly ground white pepper

· few drops lemon juice

· 1 egg yolk

· 1 tablespoon single cream

· chicken (whole, approx. 1.1 kg (2 1/2 lb)

· 1/4 bottle dry white wine

· 150ml (1/4 pint) chicken stock

· 1 teaspoon dried tarragon

· 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon

· cooked tagliatelle (white and green)

· tomato concassé (made from 2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced)

Velouté sauce:

1. Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan and stir in the flour. Stir over a low heat until straw-coloured. Remove from the heat and cool a little, then add the hot stock (see below) and stir until smooth.

2. Return to a medium heat and stir constantly until boiling. Lower the heat, and cook very gently for 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Season with the salt and pepper and lemon juice.

3. Stir the egg yolk into the cream in a small bowl. Stir into this a little of the hot sauce, then stir this mixture back into the sauce. Cook while stirring, until the sauce is glossy and a little thicker, but do not boil.


1. Cut the chicken into quarters and remove the skin, if preferred. Braise the chicken quarters in the white wine and chicken stock, with the dried tarragon, for about 40 minutes.

2. Remove the chicken and keep it warm. Reserve the wine/stock braising liquor and use to make the velouté sauce.

3. Place the cooked chicken quarters on the bed of cooked tagliatelle. Pour over the sauce, and garnish with fresh tarragon and tomato concassé.

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