Welcome to the Home Site for Imperium Ex Atlantia: The Atlantean Chronicles. This is a Live-Action Company based in Toledo Ohio, Chronicles set in the Modern Age.

The players take on the roles of legendary creatures of the night in the Modern Age, in an attempt to create a living story that evolves as each new player steps onto the stage. The Atlantean Chronicles may be set in the Modern Age, but it is the actions of the players that create the drama of the story. This is a story of the struggles of the True Blooded versus the Faux Blooded, and of their mortal descendents. IEA: The Atlantean Chronicles sets its sights on telling a good story through its players. This Live-Action game is an exploration of the human condition and defines it through the personal horror of humanity lost.

Theatres of the Mind Productions uses its own unique resolution system to help the Players resolve the actions that they undertake.

The best example is when one drops a stone into a pool of still water, from the moment that stone hits the water it sends out ripples in all directions alerting everyone nearby that something new has entered the pool. The actions of each player has an effect on every Player Character around them. Nothing stays the same after they have made their mark for good or for evil.

[email protected]


Last Updated: 08.09.07

What is IEA you ask?

IEA is a new Roleplaying Game that is currently in development. The main characters, the PCs, are the descendents of the survivors of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The World of IEA is filled with intrigue, deception, and adventure.

All throughout recorded human history, many have postulated that human society has been manipulated by what some have called the "hidden masters". And in truth, that is the way it has been since the times directly after the fall of the First Atlantean Empire. For centuries before the fall of the First Atlantean Empire, the Atlanteans dominated and terrorized the Ancient World. It is because of their fall that human society was able to begin taking an active role in directing its own destiny. And after the fall of the First Atlantean Empire, all of the human civilizations that had been conquered by the Atlanteans destroyed much of the Atlantean structures and anything that would allow their descendents to know of the existence of the Atlanteans and their fallen empire.

In 151 AD, Lord Ramius, one of the most powerful of Atlantean Warlords founded the Second Atlantean Empire, more commonly known as the "Imperium Ex Atlantia" After the founding of the Imperium Ex Atlantia, those survivors of the First Atlantean Empire began joining together to found the other 4 Houses of the IEA.

The Imperium Ex Atlantia is an Epic tale of honor, deception and intrigue with a hint of terror mixed in. The setting is the city of Toledo. The year is 2007. The setting is based on the writings of the Director, Brian-Joseph Baker.

For a great many of you, this will be an incredible step away from your traditional roleplaying game. One of the reasons for this because acting and roleplaying are put in the forefront rather than the system.

The Theatres of the Mind game system was written by the Brian-Joseph Baker with the assistance of several others, all you need to bring with you is a regular deck of playing cards. To become a player in the playtesting of this RPG, one needs to email the Director ahead of time.


Theatres of the Mind Game System, All Setting and Background material , be they House: Ramius, Draconis, Dracul, Thalus, Lionnes, Family: Bathory, Fallcourt, Halloran, Ivanovich, McKlintic, McCullen, Empirium, Etc,... Are Intellectual Property and Copyright to Brian-Joseph Baker 98'. The title: The Dying of the Light is copyright Brian-Joseph Baker 98' I apologize for all this declaimer Bullshit but the Information contained in this site are a part of an ongoing Novel that I am writing.
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