It is a well known fact that lightning may travel miles outside of its parent storm to strike from cloudless blue skies. Thus the term : Out of the Blue
Out Of TheBlue
By Phishhead

In the southern spiral arm of the galaxy known as the Milky Way, there moves a yellow sun called Sol. Orbiting this sun is a small blue planet called by it's inhabitants, Earth. High above the planet's surface, beyond the azure dome of the sky, there flies a bit of flotsam. Infinitely small on the cosmic scale yet looming large in it's effect upon the planet it circles.

This flotsam, a mere dozens of feet in length, is a mangled mass of twisted metal. The ferrous corpse of a once sleek and powerful vessel.

This ship, once so proud and mighty, was brought to this world by one not of it, but seeking it's salvation. On the very verge of it's destination the craft was murdered by her sisters, spilling her deadly cargo down upon the unsuspecting planet below.

Not all of it's cargo. For there remains aboard one small and fractured container. Inside the cargo hold, flash welded to the hull by the heat of the deathblow the cylinder sits. Stretched across this cylinder is a long cable trailing out of the gaping hole in the side of the silent hulk.

The grapnel was once used to attach the ship to it's mother like an apron string, to draw it into the warm embrace of her bosom. Now it is but a lifeless limb dangling from the morticians table. Yet this dead thing holds still a semblance of life, a malevolence of spirit that haunts the skies of Earth.
Traveling at more than fourteen thousand miles per hour, the mile long cable zips through the Earth's magnetosphere gathering electrons and sending them flashing up to the hull of the derelict, now a giant generator.

These electrons are drawn crackling and sparking  into the cylinder, absorbed and transmuted into that mysterious force known as Energy X. Bathed in Cosmic radiations; force fed sub-atomic particles, the container can hold only so much, damaged as it is.

And so, at oddly irregular intervals, the energy erupts from the cylinder. It is spat out of the craft and into the ionosphere where it bounces around and around the globe until finally flashing down to the unsuspecting Earth. Watch with me and see.

Deep in the swamps of Florida an ancient Cypress tree is struck by a purple flash from the heavens. The great tree groans and shivers, then lifts its knobby knees from the waters and begins to move. Moving slowly yet covering huge amounts of ground, the leafy being moves deeper into the swamp. Away from men and their axes, away from boys and their knives eager to carve an initial or a curving heart.
Watch again and see.

Far to the north, on a train bound for the border, an evil man hides in a cattle car. The man is counting his ill gotten gains, cursing the blood he must clean from it and laughing at the ease with which he killed it's former possesor. There is a deafening crash, a blinding light and the man, the sleeping bull in the stall nearby and the vampire bat feeding on it blur, melt and merge together. Moments later the doors of the car explode into splinters and a giant horned Demon flies away into the darkness.
Watch with me.

Again and again, first on one continent and then another the energy rains down upon the planet. Striking good and evil, man and woman, human and animal.
How long? How long does this continue before the inevitable, fiery, end when the ship's orbit decays and it disintegrates in the skies of earth? How long?

Watch with me and see.
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