The Gauss Gun and You

Yes, finally, after ages of waiting, the scions finally have TWO guns that can actually do damage to an enemy! Alas, the long-awaited gauss gun is popular in many scion warriors now-a-days and the use of this gun is picking up al over the gamepsy servers. Who's to say how its supposed to be used? Me, thats who. Here's the run down on the new gun and any useful tidbits you might want to know about it:

A) The gauss gun does projectile damage and is instantaneous fire. These are two of the radical changes made from the ion gun. The third is the damage. First of all, the basic gauss gun, although it look neato, does very little damage. Very very little. And it fires too slowly to pack any kind of a punch. Some will argue that it works against Scions with absorbtion shields... but it still sucks. If the enemy scions have absorbtion shields then you're better off with a projectile cannon than a projectile gun. It takes roughly twenty-five shots of gauss to kill an ISDF scout, which is about 20 seconds of constant firing. The ion gun takes only about 10 seconds of constant fire on an ISDF scout to kill it. Its an easy comparison, the gauss gun is very very weak in non-assault mode.

B) The assault gauss gun (or the Gauss Gun II as I call it) is a different story. This weapon changes from explosive fire to armor piercing and fires a heavy dual blast requiring at least 7 or 8 times the ammo as normal shots. These shots are, despite the ammo usage, very powerful for a gun and have a 190m range. The efficiency of this gun alows one to damage heavy targets well, but unfortunately its a slow fire rate and the damage, although good for a gun, is easily shrugged off by the vehicles that are truly damaged by it: Treaded tanks, Walkers and Buildings. It can outrange a turret, which is good, but an Ion Gun II can also outrange an ISDF turret.

The comparison? Ion gun compared to gauss gun in non-assault mode does more damage (Approximately twice, I dont have the numbers) and ion uses less ammo. The only advantage is gauss has about a 150m range. Ion gun II and Gauss Gun II in assault mode; the Gauss does more damage per hit BUT fires so slowly that the Ion gun II still outclasses it as far as damage goes. The gauss has much greater range, however, extending the Ion Gun II by about 30m.

The result? Some commanders may think that the gauss gun is useful as a counterpart to an energy weapon, but gauss gun's only real intention was to provide scions a projectile gun for use against other scions. When speaking scion vs. scion battles, the only situation in which a gauss gun would be useful is if the enemy used absorbtion shields. If, however, they use absorbtion shields, why the hell are you firing a gun at them? Equip quill/ion and use the quill on them, and the Ion Gun II on hardened targets. As a result, the gauss is still used widely because its a "new" weapon and people seem to think that it does better. But it only works in theory: like communism. Stick to the trusty Ion gun, scions dont use their guns much anyways, so its better to rely on your gun only as an efficient ammo-conserving quick-draw fire-and-run weapon. Thus, the gauss gun fails at performing this.

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