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August 1, 2004
Coral and Amy attended church and then did the food shopping for the week.  With more rain, that was the end of most of the day until evening time, when we fit in a quick swim before bed.

August 2, 2004
Got back to the grind today...let's leave it at that.

August 3, 2004
Amy had a doctor's appointment to get a mole removed today, so she was a little sore at night and enjoyed the comforts of our couch (which is not that different from a normal day).

August 4, 2004
Today Dan went on a helicopter tour of KSC, which is a special treat for mentoring the students this summer.  He was joined by John, Denise, Summer and Lalitssa.  While we awaited our chariot, we got the unique opportunity to meet the commander of the next shuttle mission, STS-114, Eileen Collins, who was making arrangements to get a flight back to Houston with two of the crew members (which unfortunately we didn't get the time to talk with).

August 5, 2004
Not much to report, just a Friday kinda feel for us today...tune in tomorrow for details.

August 6, 2004
Destiny (Ian and Jordan's pre-school/daycare) had a field trip today to Wet-n-Wild.  Dan, Amy, and Coral all played hookie and joined Jordan on the bus to Orlando for a fun time with the group.  Ian stayed and had a quiet day at Destiny with 3 or 4 other kids.  The weather was not great, but that didn't stop us from having all the fun we could.  Jordan spent most of the day running around the kiddie-pool and Coral enjoyed hanging out with some older kids (13/14-year olds).  It was a very long day, which was topped off by Dan playing poker and losing again...he just didn't lose it all this time, so that is better than the other 3 times.

August 7, 2004
Today was work day around the house/yard.  It was tough with all the rain, but some was completed.  Later, Coral and Jordan went with Amy to one of Coral's school friends' birthday party at a skating rink.  Jordan tried to skate, but she wasn't feeling good and got sick, so she had to come home early.  Coral didn't fair much better with the skating, but still had some fun.

August 8, 2004
We tried not to let all the rain stop us from having fun today...after church for Dan and Amy, the Shaffers and Lalitssa came for a visit.  We got a little swimming in before it started to rain, but we just moved the fun onto the porch and inside.

August 9, 2004
Monday started off with a band for is the beginning of the EFR (Environmental Functional Review).  You all may remember this from 3-years ago.  It is basically a week and a half audit of the environmental office and the different, fun, fun!

August 10, 2004
The fun of the EFR continues, but that dominates the writings on this day.

August 11, 2004
Well, to contradict the news of yesterday, we got many items today...first, both Jordan and Coral came home sick today and because of the EFR, Amy had to leave early to get them.  Later, they went to the doctor's and found out Coral has strepted-thought and Jordan has a double ear infection.  Also, we found out today that Charley is coming!  One of the season's first hurricanes is forecasted (but we all know that Meteorologists don't know a thing!) to hit Orlando and give us some heavy rains and winds...more to come on that one.

August 12, 2004
While Dan continues the EFR, Amy and the kids stayed home to get well.  Both Jordan and Coral are on meds and should be better by tomorrow.  Later, Dan went to play in a Hold 'Em tournament, but once again came home empty-handed.

August 13, 2004
Hurricane Charley is due in today!  It was the first real hurricane experience for the Florida Remberts in 4-plus-years as the hurricane passed from Port Charlotte, went through Orlando, and then exited the state near Daytona.  It really got going after the kids were in bed and we lost part of our back fence, but for the most part is was just windy with some rain.

August 14, 2004
With our first official hurricane behind us, it was time to start our first official clean-up duties.  The biggest thing will be the fence, so of course we will be putting that off until later.  Next in line is the back porch and pool.  The rain of the day slowed us down a bit, but we got most of the stuff done, including some needed maintenance work on other fences.

August 15, 2004
After Coral and Amy went to church and got Coral all signed up for this year's CCD, we fit some swimming in for the kids and Amy.  Dan went to Lowe's and worked on the fence (with cement this time).  Some rain storms chased everyone indoors, but then Amy worked on getting the moisture out of the back porch carpet.

August 16, 2004
Today was the first official day of preschool for Ian and Jordan!!!  For Ian, it was his first day ever and for Jordan, she started in the big 4-year-old class, the last before kindergarten.  The fence is complete...after work and school, Dan and Amy erected the fence.

August 17, 2004
Not much to report today.

August 18, 2004
What looked like a busy day with two soccer practices and a late birthday party, turned into an even busier day when a storm hit right before practice-time.  This caused a chain of events that had Dan and Amy driving from field to field and caused Amy to show up late for Mary's 40th party.  After all that driving, the Jordan and Coral didn't even get to play ball.

August 19, 2004
For the first time in a very long time, it was sunny while we drove home from work to pick up the van car (oil change) and then the kids...with no rains, we didn't know what to do.

August 20, 2004
To celebrate the end of the EFR, Dan's office decided to hold their monthly meeting at Grills on an optional basis.  Well Dan felt it was the right thing to do and joined the "team" for the meeting.  Dan got another small treat...sushi for dinner since Amy and the kids eat already.

August 21, 2004
Dan did some shopping in the morning due to the fact that the mower was in the shop for 2-weeks and it would have cost $110 to fix the problem, therefore, it was more cost effective to just get a new he did.  After Dan returned with a new mower, Amy and Coral had a birthday party for a classmate to attend.  Later after the party and some shopping, Dan got to use the state-of-the-art piece of machinery and got the jungle back under control.  In the evening, the every-other-Friday-night poker game was held on Saturday night and Dan came home with 8-extra-bucks...woo hoo!

August 22, 2004
Amy started off the day with some food shopping, because we were dangerously low on everything.  After that, we fit in a quick swim before lunch.  Amy then left again with another much needed shopping spree in mind...this time it was for cell phones.  The efforts of Wednesday night (see August 18th) proved the need for advanced communications, so we broke down and got a plan through Cingular.  Later, we got a visit from Kristy and Trenton while Dan worked taming the back jungle with the new mower.  The weekend was filled with purchases of necessities with big price tags...there goes our winter home in Aspen.

August 23, 2004
Jordan's soccer team, the Lightning, tried to fit a practice in again, but the weather did not want the kids to play.  Not much went on in the world of the Florida Remberts.

August 24, 2004
In the race to get the first soccer practice in, Coral's team wins.  After a visit to the dentist to see what corrective devices she will need for her teeth, Amy and Coral met up with the team, the Comets, and had their first practice.  Jordan's team will give it another shot tomorrow.

August 25, 2004
And now it was Jordan's turn...her team finally had their practice and the entire family showed up at this.  Next are Jordan's and Coral's games on Saturday.  After practice, we stopped at Wendy's to get a quick bite to eat and then home for tubby and bed times.

August 26, 2004
Today was Coral's parent/teacher conference, which Coral actually is not invited to, so it must be Dan & Amy's parent/teacher conference.  All is great and she is doing well.  We got to look around at a few projects and we both were particularly impressed with a poem she wrote.

August 27, 2004
Dan and the kids had gymnastics after work, school and daycare, actually just Jordan and Coral did, but Dan and Ian watched.  Amy attended a memorial service for Jordan's teacher's husband who passed away of a sudden heart attack.  Our prayers and thoughts go out to Mrs. Vera.

August 28, 2004
The morning started off with the family driving Amy to the airport for her trip to Phoenix for a Filemaker conference.  After that, it was time to get ready for a morning/afternoon at the soccer fields for Jordan and Coral's first games.  Both did great and had fun playing, but it was hot and very tiring.  After that, we returned home and rested.  Speaking of resting, Amy called by the pool where she spent her afternoon relaxing after a long plane trip.

August 29, 2004
Dan and the kids did some swimming today and then during nap/rest time, Dan cut the grass.  Amy spent the day traveling to Sedona, where she did some site seeing and shopping.  Later, she could be found by the pool lounging and sipping.

August 30, 2004
With Amy enjoying the sun and the start of the conference today, Dan and the kids and the rest of Florida are getting ready for the next hurricane, Frances.  The center of the projected path of this monster pounds the middle of downtown Rockledge...lucky us.  Hopefully it will turn.

August 31, 2004
With all the other great news about the hurricane, we got some more...Amy got a ear infection while on her trip and will not be able to fly home early to help.  Also, with Frances bearing down on us, Dan will be taking off tomorrow to prepare for the worst, so this will be the last entry for a while...see you all on the other side!
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
August 2004
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