
Glimmering Bishounen is mainly about Johnny Yong Bosch and Kira Sakuya.

Bishounen (or 'bishie' for short) means "pretty boy" in Japanese.

This site was created on June 17, 2003 by StarCrystal. Co-webmaster with Joanne since 2005.

Why not? I really look up to Johnny Yong Bosch and the amazing accomplishments he has done. Kira has such a unique, interesting story and character design that you cannot overlook. Also, both of his voice actors bring out best of him ^^.

I've always been a big fan of Power Rangers when it first came out it (1995) was was around 6 or 7 years old. When the second season came with a new set of Power Rangers (Adam Park), I totally fell in love with Johnny.. although he had only a few trivial lines @_@;; I've watched PR up to the Space season and then Johnny had disappeared for some years after that.
Then, somewhere in spring/summer of 2003 I started to watch Trigun and really begun to like it, but the main character's voice was VERY familiar that I couldn't put my finger on it. While babysitting, I saw "The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie" was going to show on t.v. So I found myself watching it and re-living my PR days. .. Man, I never knew how cheesy the animations looked. O_o; But anyways, I decided to search for any Johnny news on Google.com, and I found out he actually worked with anime voice acting like Vash and many other parts! I was totally pschyed and pretty surprised that he would be into that kind of career. And many other people were big fans too, which even made my appreciation for Johnny even greater. ^___^
While renting some anime movies and such in Blockbuster, I came across the "Angel Sanctuary" OVA. I always heard of this title everywhere, but never really knew about it. Even though it was 3 episodes long, I thought the story was unique and so amazing. Yuki Kaori's art is so beautiful to look at in either the manga or anime version. Kira became one of my favorite characters because of his cool, bad-boy personality and intruiging background.

Past Layouts

Version 1
Date: 6/17/03 - 4/4/04
Type: Iframes, Image Map
Description: First real layout I made on my own, really. I also used an image map for the navigation. The background didn't match the layout- but I did like the overall outcome of it.

Version 2
Date: 4/4/04 - 6/26/04
Type: Iframes, tables
Description: Blue/periwinkle theme! :3 First image 'merging/blending' I did. :D I even made the starry background.

Version 3
Date: 6/26/04- 5/13/05
Type: Iframes
Description: Orange and black colors = Halloween. Used drop-down-menu for navigation. I really liked how this layout came out.

Version 4
Date: 5/13/05-Present
Type: Iframes; Div layers
Description: .. Nya~ A small gif layout.

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