This is my website. It's still under construction.

Yup. The definitive website for anyone who actually cares about me. Which, last time I checked Yup. Call me a solipsist. Or, I dunno, I may have directed you to this site since I put something up here that I wanted you to have a look at. If it's recent, look down in the blog posts, otherwise, check the left.

Hot damn!

So we've known for a while that diabetes has some root causes in the nervous system. And yet, nobody's managed to make a treatment for this little killer. Until now. A bunch of Canadian researchers managed to temporarily (but we're looking at months here, folks) cure mice of diabeties through injection with capsaicin. Now yes, treatment for humans is likely years away, but still. more...

Also, it appears that some poor, poor benighted soul acessed the history questions from a Windows 98 computer. What are you, suicidal? Get with the program--use OS2! Or, I dunno, NT if you have some kind of fixation on pain.

History Stuff

You know, the reason why I got ahold ot this Geocities account in the first place? 0nyx was being a ****, and frankly, their interface leaves much to be desired. Like, you know, a GUI. In any case, the questions for the Civil War stuff, for those of you who bothered to send them in (*GLARES AT PERIOD 5*), can be found somewhere around the shards of my broken dreams. Or, I dunno, in the internal links section. more...

The Pokemon Metagame and You

*shrug*. No other place to post it. So, yeah. Laugh all you want. We'll see who's laughing when a CB Aerodactyl smashes through your front door and carries you off into the night. And why? You didn't read from me that Skarm can wall Aero. It'll all be your fault, because you laughed at me! more...

My Wesnoth Mod - Source files

Because I'm getting friggin' tired of hosting them on megauploads every single time I make a balance change. If you play Wesnoth...which you really should...then go ahead and playtest this mod for me, will you? Drop me a line if you find a bug. That said, if the .1.13 campaign server ever starts WORKING, this will become obsolete. . more...

In other news, Disgaea, the most awesome SRPG to show its face on the PS2, appears to be coming to the PSP. Damn. Just after I had found a cheap copy of it on the internet, too. First Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and now this AND that new port of the GOOD Final Fantasy Tactics (trailer's up, too.). All of a sudden, I want a PSP. Bad.

Go read Peacefire.

Ah, Websense. How we cordially loathe you. In fact, they're so slimy that I'm not even going to link to their website in case I find myself at moral fault for giving them publicity. But...well, safe to say that filtering companies are using their powers on more than porn. Read more at Peacefire, and specifically the page on Websense. Slimy, slimy, slimy.Either the people who bought this for the school were conned into getting it, or apparantly don't give a rat's ass about free speech or open information, or, y'know, morals.. But that's okay--they're just the ones in charge of educating kinds about them...

EDIT: *eyebrow raise* Websense apparantly took issue with that comment. Okay, fine. But this is war. Or, in other words: how to beat Wensense. I'll also look into keeping my system on for a circumventor.

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