You have arrived in the mysterious universe of the being known as Flare Falcor... What you will find here, no one knows. It is all up to you...

Hi! Welcome to my home page. Neglect what I wrote up above - I just wrote it for fun and have no idea why I put it there. Anyway, There's not much here at the moment 'cause I'm sorta new to this and all, but I hope you enjoy what I do have here. Hopefully when I get better (and a better program!) I can make it a lot better.

I'm going to put in some pictures and info of stuff I like and all the stuff I'm involved in plus some cool links (well, I think so). If you want something that's worth looking at, go to my 'fun stuff' section, where I've put all the stuff related to stuff I like and find fun. If you didn't understand what I just said either, then just click on it and find out!

Please bear with me as I make this site when I'm meant to be doing other things - like study!



5/10 - Guess I got some bad news... I haven't got those pictures yet, so they'll have to come up on Monday (hopefully). But because of that, I'm only doing a little work on the site today. Just added in some more profiles in the friends section and just some general stuff around the site. There's aslo some more stuff in the 'Fun Stuff' area, so have a lokk... Also, if anyone has any ideas of what I can put up in the 'Fun Stuff' section, then tell me - I need some more ideas, but I probably won't be able to do them until mid Novemeber. Finally, I added in a guestbook called 'The Library' (don't ask - I have no idea why I did that). Be back Monday! Cya!

4/10 - K, gotta stop doing all this soon... but for now I'm gonna keep going. Tomorrow will probably be the last day for updating my page (I really gotta get some work done!). Anyway, for what I've updated, let's see... Ok, updated the friends page with some profiles. I also fixed the colours for the links on the links page. I'm experimenting in using music in the background - if you find it too annoying, you can tell me and I cna remove it... or you can just turn it off down at the bottom. There's also the different animated gifs now (tehy're not all from Gundam Wing now!)

3/10 - Ok, had some spare time (not really) and so I decided to update the site again - this time adding some more stuff to the appearance and more links (for my sources actually). I'll probably have those pics up on Friday.

3/10 - Not much to say right now. Just added in Sama's 4-U story in fun stuff. If you haven't read it yet, you should, it's really good! Got the photos from the last 4 days of school today - 77 in total! Hopefully I can have them scanned tomorrow and I'll put them up on Friday... maybe. Oh! I also added in a link to my friend Andrew's page. That's it for now I guess...

2/10 - Ummmm... okay. Not much work done, I know, but I'm pretty busy at the moment (I shouldn't really be working on this site!). I'm doing what I can in the little free time I have. Changed the layout a bit, hopefully it looks better now. Still waiting on replies from some friends about stuff I can put up here, but it shouldn't take long. Also, once I get access to a scanner, I can put some pictures and stuff up, so these pages won't be too plain for long - probably by Friday. Anyway, I gotta go for now, so stay patient.

NB: It's probably best to view this page at 1024 x 768 resolution... sorry 'bout that.

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P.S. - If you don't understand anything I say, or don't get some things, it's probably because this site is mainly for the puropose of revenge on a few of my friends! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Created on ... September 30, 2001

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