
I have been to Romania twice: the first time in the summer 1997 to attend to the BEST Summer Course at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the second time in the spring 1998 for the Cultural Exchange between the University of Rome and the Polytechnic of Bucharest.

Before going to Romania I visited Budapest: the Parliament house on the Danube river....

....the Castle district seen from the Gellert Hill.....

....the Heroes Square....

...and the Ferrari press conference (both Schumacher and Irvine passed very close to me, but when I took my camera they were already too far!).
Bratislava (Slovakia):

it was funny that both me and David from the NL had the idea to visit our friend Andrea on the same day!

The main bridge on the Danube river, still in Bratislava.

This is Cluj-Napoca, in northern Transilvania. The main square....
...a nice monument next to the Church.....

....and the Village museum.

Dana, at that time president of BEST Cluj, with the typical Maramures dress.

I cooked pasta for the international evening, and it seems like someone really liked it!
A weekend in Padis, mountain resort in the Apuseni mountains, and a great "placinta cu mere" (apple pie).

The Romanian organizers found a great transportation mean.... imagine 5 hours of mountain street like this: my poor butt!!!

This is Timisoara, a very nice students town.

Local students are very proud of the fact that their demostration 10 years ago caused the revolution against the communism.

This is Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Piaza Unirii.....

....the Villa Romana....

...and the Village museum

Sinaia, in central Transilvania. This is a postcard ..... but it's beautiful!
Sinaia is a pretty mountain resort, very popular also for winter skiing....

....and it hosts the amazing Peles Castle.

Brasov is another nice medieval town in central Transilvania.

And very close is Bran, with the Dracula's Castle.
A typical Romanian lunch in a farm near Brasov. This is "mamaliga cu brinz".

And after such a big lunch some relax in the outdoors.

For dinner we thought of making some spaghetti, but the Romanian organizer forgot to buy stovels!

Me and my friend Razvan, during the farewell party in Bucharest.

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