Special Security Group Organization
Section Organization

Section Organization (Section FOUR shown):
The image above illustrates the TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment). Roughly in size, a typical Section is the size of a Task Force, with one Headquarters platoon, and one Central Intelligence Branch platoon for intelligence operations within the Sections, as well as the equivalent Infantry Company, as well as the Support Company. The Headquarters platoon consists of the Chief, two bodyguards, and 5 assistant staff. Also, each Colonel of each platoon, as well as the Colonel of the Support Company are present when available for meetings. The Central Intelligence Branch platoon consists of 10 officers assigned to essentially providing information to the Sections differing platoons, as well as the Support Company. Each platoon within the Section consists of three teams with four soldiers each. The Support Company consists of four platoons: 1st Platoon is the company maintenance area. The other three Platoons consist of one UD-4L, one M577 APC, one LAV-62A1, and one MV-80 Osprey IV. Unit designations however, are slightly different. When referring to a specific platoon within the operating structure, for example 3rd Platoon, Section FOUR might be referred to as "3/4 Section". Team designations simply add the Team number. As previously, 1st Team, 3rd Platoon, Section FOUR is simply "1/3/4 Section". The Support Company however adds a specific number corresponding to their unit number. For example, the 405th Support Company would be referred to as "405/4 Section" since the Transport Company doesn�t follow the normal procedure in number designation, to keep some individuality of the Transport Company. Each platoon that supports each Platoon also is designated per platoon. "1/405" is 1st Platoon, 405th Transport Company, while even lower it will look like this: "1/405/4". This reads as 1st Platoon, 405th Transport Company, Section FOUR. As far as command goes, the Section Chief commands the whole Section, with a Colonel commanding every Platoon, while a Colonel commands the Support Company. Then the Captain of each Platoon is the Platoon XO, and further along the chain of command.
Most Platoons have designated specialist command elements (usually from Sargeant to Commander). The Sargeant rank is termed "[Specialization] Sargeant", from "Magical Sargeant" or "Heavy Weapons Sargeant". These two specializations, "Magical" and "Heavy Weapons" are the only ones standardized, and used. Officers (Lieutenant and Commander) are simply known as "Magical Officer" and "Heavy Weapons Officer" to denote their specializations. It is common practice for both the commisioned Officer and the Sargeant to be specialized in this field. Training is not done in schooling, but is done as time goes on. These posts usually do not rotate, but combat deaths can change this.
Dragon Organization

Special Security Group Organization
The SSG organization consists of two battalions, plus the independent Section SEVEN. The only reason why Section SEVEN is considered independent is it�s status as a training unit rather than a combat unit in the scheme of things. Each battalion consists of three Sections, including their respective command staff. Each Battalion is commanded by a Battalion Commander (BC), which is the most senior Chief in the unit. However, the position is commonly referred to as "BC". Each Battalion has one HHP (Headquarters Headquarters Platoon) that commands the unit in the field. Usually the HHP is deployed when the whole Battalion is deployed. The HHP has one section of commanders, one of CIB personnel (senior ranking), and two transport sections, one section has a UD-4L and the other section has a modified M577, the M573 Command Post variant. There is no security section since most are heavily armed anyways.

Unit Designations
Since the level of secrecy has to be higher than normal, the top brass has come up with secondary unit designations that the unit "reports to". These units serve sometimes as regular units in the normal TO&E of the S-K military. They participate as per orders in the normal structure as needed. However, the Transport Company designations remain the same. Here is the current unit designations of the units:

13th Infantry Battalion (2nd Battalion SSG)
26th Infantry Company (Section ONE)
32nd Infantry Company (Section TWO)
299th Infantry Company (Section THREE)

18th Infantry Battalion (3rd Battalion SSG)
301st Infantry Company (Section FOUR)
20th Infantry Company (Section FIVE)
712th Infantry Company (Section SIX)

8th Training Group (Germany)
568th Infantry Company (separate, Section SEVEN)

Transport Company Designations:

13th Infantry Battalion, 2nd Battalion SSG)
29th Transport Company (Section ONE)
313th Transport Company (Section TWO)
78th Transport Company (Section THREE)

18th Infantry Battalion (3rd Battalion SSG)
405th Transport Company (Section FOUR)
521st Transport Company (Section FIVE)
41st Transport Company (Section FIVE)

8th Training Group (Germany)
52nd Transport Detachment (Section SEVEN)

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Eric Johnson | James Meiers

1999, Fresh Productions. 1
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