At a distance we gazed into eachother`s eyes.
Time stood still for that moment
As we slowly approached one another,
Our hands extending outwardly,
Palm in palm.our fingers gently touching.
We connected.
The warmth of love flowed like electricity,
Through the two of us.
And without so much as a whisper spoken.
We each knew what the other was thinking.
Pulling eachother closer,we embraced.
We danced as if the angels were playing
Heavenly music just for us.
Our surroundings vaniquished,
All we could focus on were eachother.
As if hypontized our eyes met
Our lips touched.
An uncontrollable hunger overwhelmed our very being.
We became lost within eachother.
In that very moment, we became one
in mind, body  and soul.
If the music had stopped we hadn`t noticed.
For it played over and over in our hearts.
By Starr B.H.
How Do I
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