Lets have some fast facts of the oldest jillaroo of the litter.

Vital Stats:
Name:             Stephanie Scully, Steph, Step thru.
Age:              21
Height:           145
Weight:           8.5 stone
Birthplace:       OZ
Favourite Food:   anything her mother cooks.
Favourite Colour: filthy leather.
Favourite Hobby:  riding, bikes that is.
Favourite Sayings: Arr what!?
                   Yeah right!
                   I reckon!
                   I�ll get you a durno

Your not the lone ranger there!

Stephanie, although pretty, ain�t the sharpest tool in the shed.  She is as they say, a boomer short in the bush.  It shows too.  At 21 she is delivering car parts and is still at home with her parents - but lets face it, who wouldn�t be?  What with her beaut of a father and dinki-di mother, she�ll be there forever.

Obviously, better than going flat chat into a tree and exploding like poor Woody.

Maybe next time.

She is starting to slip into the most daggyiest character n the show.  Why doesn't she have any blokes/hobbies/interests.  Steph is obviously any mongrel�s dream.  She can shot pool, play cards, swing a bat and drink the grog. 


Maybe she smells of bum nuts?
Whilst not delivering car parts, she likes nothing better than haring down the road on her bike - until she went flat chat into a car.
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