The youngest jilly Chelle - lets have the fat stats.

Vital Stats:
Name:�������������� Michelle Scully, �Chelle, Mouth
Age:��������������� 15
Height:������������ 140
Weight:������������ 9 stone - the fat chumpster
Birthplace:�������� OZ
Favourite Food:���� Caralicious bars
Favourite Colour:�� whatever Tess is wearing - the weirdo
Favourite Hobby:��� stalking/eating/boy4
Favourite Sayings: �What a spunk!�
������������������ �Boy4�

Cri-key, Chelle is the most annoying drongo going.� What with her constant whinging and whining - shes enough to give diarrhoea the shits.� I bet after she was born Joe has never dared taken his strides off again, let alone his dacks - even when Lynny is wearing her leopard negligee - phoarr!!

At school she�s about as popular as a turd in a luncbox.� With only one mate - Tess, and if you call stalking a basis for friendship you�re as much a dag as Chelle.

At home she mopes around all day, dobbing on people.� If it wasn�t for that pesky kid, Patsy, (yip-yip), would have got away with it, which would have been great.� Lou could have got rid of all the old crud his ugly sheila - Cheryll - bought, and replaced it with lads stuff for both him and Drew to tempt the ladies.
Paul Milburnanarammas Pomtastic Poll
Is Chelle the most annoying head dooer inner ever?

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