Strike me pink, shes a flamin beaut.� Lets have the vital stats.

Vital Stats:
Name:Lyn Scully, Lyn Sulky, Lynny and Sheila
Age:37 - the years of hard livin have taken their toll.�
Weight:10 stone
Favourite food:anything that doesn't involve feeding those young flamin hoons from number 30.
Favourite Colour:leopard print (any colour)
Favourite Hobby:hounding our hero.
Favourite Sayings:
You deserve a clump round the�noggin
Hard yards
Don't pull the wool

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Lynny is the one and only real babe in Neighbours, (behind floozy Suzi, and saggy Madge - of course).� What, with her fine thatch and angelic attire she cuts a bit of class in the otherwise dull Ramsy Street.

Like Joe, she really packs in the hard yards.� Not content with being the worlds most bonza coiffeur, she is also on Erinsborough Highs School Council - no doubt keeping her eye on her young jillaroos.

To relax, she likes cutting more hair, bossing Joe around, feeding the Street, running the Scully house, and exercising.
Paul Milburnanarammas Pomtastic Poll
Is Lynny the best looking bird in Neighbours?

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