Now lets have a look at Flic's fine facts.

Vital Stats:
Name:    Felicity Scully, Flic, Filth
Age:     17
Height:    1.65
Weight:   8 stone
Birthplace:  New Zealand - the filthy flamin Kiwi
Favourite Food:  whatevers in Paul�s lunchbox.
Favourite Colour:  Whatever turns the �spunks� on.
Favourite Hobby:   Hanging round blokes
Favourite Sayings:                �Big Headed Bogan�
      �Fess up�
      �Crack a mental�
      �Don�t bag me out�

Flic eh?  What can be said about that big headed bug eyed bogan?  Well I can think of only 2:  filthy mongrel.  If she isn�t ramming her tongue down Tad�s throat, helping him to �practice� kissing, (yeah right), its chasing postie Pete.  Fed up, not get anywhere with him, she went after young Paul.  He quickly saw the light, and blew her off, so she went chasing Joel, and he fell for the little scrote.  however, he woke up and smelled the, well, filth, and she is back round to Tad.

Filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy,  filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy, flamin mongrel - but I wouldn�t say no.
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